Thursday, November 1, 2012



The three records JFK Assassination Records that should have been turned over to the NARA under the JFK Act but were not include the complete radio communications from Air Force One and the records related to two articles published in newsapapers and in news reports that mention the assassination.

RECORD #1 – The complete transcript and complete, unedited tapes of the radio communications of Air Force One from Love Field, Dallas, Texas to Andrews AFB, Washington D.C.

While JFK ordered all such radio communications recorded, and the White House Communications Agency was responsible for those recordings, and the edited tapes and edited transcripts exist, a number of reporters – T. White, W. Manchester included, were permitted to read the unedited transcript in the LBJ White House, and there are references in their reporting and on the existing tapes to excerpts that are not available today. Besides the WHCA and the Department of Defense and NSA, the Collins Radio defense contractor was responsible for the radio relays from their Cedar Rapids, Iowa HQ and should have recorded the transmissions and maintained the tapes.

Since these tapes and transcripts once existed, the NARA should at least make the attempt to determine what became of them, and since the transmissions were on an open frequency, it is possible that some amateur radio club or buff or a foreign intelligence service (Canada, Cuba, Israel, USSR) may have recorded them and could provide a copy of the unedited tapes to us, since it appears we’ve lost ours.


On March 22, 1996, The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper reported on the arrest of a Soviet spy, former NSA clerk Robert Stephen Lipka, who was identified by the FBI counter-intelligence and British MI5 from information supplied by a former KGB archivist (Mitrokin) and defector. While the Millersville, Pennsylvania man was being arranged in court, Lipka claimed that while at NSA he saw documents that identified the real assassin of President Kennedy.

When a reporter asked Lipka, as he was being led away, what was the assassin’s name, Lipka responded, "Luis Angel Castillo."


Scripps-Howard News Service – By R. H. Boyce. Thursday, March 12, 1981

Washington – The National Security Agency has alerted the CIA, the White House and State Department to a Latin American newspaper report saying Cuban President Fidel Castro is plotting the assassination of President Reagan, Scripps-Howard News Service has learned.

The NSA, which monitors published and broadcast information around the globe, does not makes such “alert” messages available to the press. But SHNS obtained a copy, which was marked “for official use only.”

            It included the text of the newspaper report as well as a garbled message about the news story directed to the head of Castro’s controlled news agency, Presna Latina. Without revealing its sources, the news report, published yesterday in the Caracas, Venezuela, newspaper El Mundo, asserted the assassination plot called for the slaying to be carried out by Illich Ramirez Sancho, an international terrorists known as Carlos the Jackal. Carlos is said to have organized the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, West Germany, and has been involved in dozens of terrorists acts.

            U.S. officials said the NSA’s action in alerting the U.S. intelligence community “suggests that while they are not necessarily ready to believe the report of an assassination plot, nevertheless they (NSA) find it at least worthy of looking into.”

            The Caracas newspaper story said the assassination plan, “was discussed in a meeting of the International Trust of Crime in Cojimar, an exclusive beach club east of Havana, with the participants of Montonero and Tupamaro thugs, Illich Ramirez, Ramiro Valdez, Cuban Police Minister Carlos Rafael Rodriguez and Fidel Castro.” No identification was found of Ramiro Valdez. Montonero “thugs” are terrorists operating primarily in Argentina while Tupumaros thugs operate in Uruguay. The article said Palestine Liberation Organization chief Yasir Arafat also participated in the plan.

            Presna Latina (Latin Press) often has been used by Castro for political ends. The Pressa Latina correspondent in Caracas, at 9:47 a.m. EST yesterday, began transmitting the El Mundo article by cable to Prensa Latina headquarters in Havana. NSA monitored it. At the close of the text, Prensa Latina Caracas began adding what appears to be commentary on the El Mundo report. It reads:

            “Everything seems to indicate that Fidel Castro is planning the assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan in the same way that he previously ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy and whose participation the high-ranking U.S. government circles hid…”

            There the Prensa Latina cable transmission stopped. Had it been ordered broken off by the Venezuela government, say U.S. officials, NSA would have added the words: “transmission interrupted,” to show Venezuela’s action. There was no such NSA notation. Officials provided no explanation of why the transmission ended in mid-sentence. 

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