Saturday, March 16, 2019

What I am Doing

WHAT I’M DOING – Spring - 2019

As I serve on the Board of Directors of CAPA – the Citizens Against Political Assassinations (, Dr. Cyril Wecht Chairman, and am co-chair of the Research Committee and am also on the Steering Committee of David Talbot’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC), I am in a unique position to help coordinate some of the most important activities that are planned for this year.

There are many projects in the works, including some major documentary films and television series in production, a slew of new books have been published that give us greater insight into the still unresolved assassinations of the Sixties and how political assassinations are still influencing worldwide policies today.
CAPA, after holding successful events for Sunshine Week (2017) at the National Press Club in DC featuring former Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB) chairman Federal Judge John Tunheim, John Newman and Jim Lesar, CAPA held a Mock Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald at the South Texas College of Law in Houston (2017) and a one day Last Living Witness program at the Old Red Courthouse at Dealey Plaza in Dallas last November. That event featured a reunion of four of the Parkland doctors and technicians who worked on the body at Bethesda.

Now, since JFK LANCER, after a twenty year run, will no longer be hosting conferences in Dallas,  CAPA is planning on holding a two-day conference on Friday and Saturday November 22-23 at the Marriott Courtyard near Dealey Plaza, which will be on the weekend before Thanksgiving, just as it was in 1963.
Even more new witnesses are expected, a new computerized 3D scan of Dealey Plaza and the TSBD will be presented, and the single bullet theory refuted once and for all. CAPA is also coordinating researchers reviewing the most recently released records and CAPA researchers and investigators are following ujp on some interesting lines of inquiry that are panning out.

The CAPA research committee is also working closely with FOIA attorney Jim Lesar at the Assassinations Archives and Research Center (AARC), Rex Bradford at, Jeff Morley ( and the newly formed Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) in lobbying Congress to hold JFK Act Oversight Hearings this year, as it is required to but has so far refused to do. This lobby effort will be a well planned and smartly executed campaign to finish the work began by Oliver Stone’s film “JFK,” something the law required to be completed two years ago, but remains in limbo. The Congressional Oversight Committee, chaired by Baltimore Democrat I. Cummings, should hold non-partisan public hearings on why the JFK Act is not being enforced, who deliberately destroyed assassination records, why so many records are missing, and why thousands of documents are still being wrongfully withheld.

While the details haven’t been set yet, after the public release of the Ten Points of Agreement, which made major media waves, the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) has been incorporated as a non-profit, donations have already been made, a web site is up and running, and plans are being laid to hold a public Inquest into the political assassinations of the Sixties in Washington D.C. in the first week of December.

Both CAPA and the TRC are concerned with the broader analysis of political assassinations in general, and focus mainly on the still unresolved murders of JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X, and each has their own teams of lawyers, researchers and investigators. The TRC has a great team working on the RFK murder and attempting to obtain the parole of the accused but innocent patsy Sirhan B. Sirhan, and with the assistance of RFK, Jr., Paul Schrade, who took a bullet, and some good attorneys, they may be successful.

As for me, I am strictly concentrating my research and writings to the JFK assassination, am working with CAPA and the TRC committee in lobbying Congress for JFK Act oversight hearings and with the TRC-JFK Committee compiling lists of living witnesses that we will be contacting and formally interview before time catches up with us.

 I believe we can wrap up the case of the murdered president to a legal and moral certainty very soon - if all of the pieces of the puzzle come together, the ducks and dominos are lined up properly, and everything falls together instead of apart, if you get my drift.

Because of what we are up against – teams of successful assassins, intelligence networks, covert operators, well planned disinformation campaigns, a mainstream media that has been bought off, and compromised government agencies, most of the real important work is being done quietly, behind closed doors, so we hope to have surprise on our side once we engage and begin to play our hand.

And I will be keeping track, writing and posting about all of these things on my JFKCountercoup blog. Since I have dedicated much of this year to wrapping up my fifty year, life long work on the assassination of President Kennedy, and will be traveling to the Archives, DC and Dallas, with limited income, I am asking for those who are interested in these things to support my work.

Consider supporting my work on these important projects and I will keep you posted here. 

I also ask you to support CAPA by joining and becoming an active member – volunteer to work on a committee (Legal, Media, Research) and donating –as CAPA is now a non-profit so that donations can be tax deductable.

Also please support our friends and associates – JFKFacts, MaryFerrell, AARC, and TRC.

As John Judge used to say, “We have a lot on our plate,” but not so much that we can’t finish the job, especially for those who began this fight and are no longer with us. 

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