Thursday, November 21, 2019

Support JFK Countercoup - Dallas CAPA 2019

A Matter of Money

If the truth about the assassination of President Kennedy is a matter of money, then it will be enshrined in granite that disgruntled leftist loser killed President Kennedy alone and there was no conspiracy.

As Mary Farrell pointed out in her November in Dallas JFK Lancer keynote speech some years ago, when it was apparent that Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK” was going to make serious waves and threaten the official version of events, the US News and World Report published a short news item that former Warren Commission lawyers had met in Washington D.C. and accumulated a $4 million dollar war chest to counter Stone’s film.

I don’t know where that money went, but over the course of a few years, Gerald Posner received a big advance to write his book “Case Closed,” Norman Mailer got a big book contract to write his book on Oswald – the lone assassin, Vincent Bugliosi got his major book contract for “Rewriting History,” and Max Holland got paid to write for the CIA’s  in house magazine, obtained a major grant from a CIA academic front foundation and was financially backed by a German Jewish venetian blind company. How shady is that?

Now, decades later, there’s the D.C. Spy Museum, the Cold War Museum, and the recently established Intelligence Museum that is being funded by $10 million dollar grant from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Society.

Meanwhile, on our side of the Devil’s Chessboard, we have barely a half-dozen floundering organizations that are scrounging for basic survival substance.

As I started a GoFundMe campaign to help finance my JFK assassination research – we are more than half way there to reach the modest $3,000 amount I estimated it would cost me to continue this work for the rest of the year.

I will be leaving for Dallas today – to attend the CAPA conference that I helped organize over the past year – and it should be one of the most important conferences ever held. Last year I opened the Lancer Conference and said that was my Last Hurrah in Dallas, but since there is no more Lancer Conference, CAPA, under the leadership of Dr. Cyril Wecht, it should be very successful after the hard work of the board – especially Secretary and program chair Glenda, and Treasurer Michael Nurko.

I am on the board of CAPA and the Truth and Reconciliation Committee, but after so many presenters requested their air fair and hotel be covered, the CAPA board voted we would pay our own way and hotel, which puts me in a bind. While I have my air fair covered, the hotel room rate is excessive for me and I will need some assistance.

I was going to stay on Bob Groden’s couch, but he just got married at the Grassy Knoll the other day, and Friday, November 22 is also his birthday, a double wammey. So I have a hotel reservation that I hope to be able to pay on Sunday.

Those who have supported me include a number of significant researchers who I have worked with over the years, and some strangers, including one who said he donated just because I wrote about the late, great Mae Brusssell. Another – Barbara heard me on Black Op radio and sent a check with the Lao-Tzu quote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and wrote: “Dear Bill, aren’t you glad you took that first step. Julian Assange wrote ‘until I am free, everyone must take my place.’ The same sentiment could be applied to JFK. – ‘Until the truth is found we must not give up.”

[For those who still write checks, my snail mail address is P.O. Box 250, New Lisbon, N.J. 08064]
CAPA also now has no-profit status that allows you to deduct larger donations from your taxes to support our cause – and you can do so through

Patrick from San Fran also sent me a check for $50 – earmarking it for beers with Bill Simpich, a request I will honor. And you can earmark your donation - $20 buys Bill breakfast or lunch, $40 dinner, and $100 helps pay for the hotel room for a night.

If I can get enough support I may delay my return flight home to stay in Texas a few days to visit and attempt to interview a few important living witnesses – Carl Jenkins and John I.F. Harper, two of the JMWAVE trainers of the Pathfinders, major subjects of mine. As with Ruth Paine, these witnesses must be carefully approached so as to get their confidence and cooperation.

My main objectives for this conference is to see to the success of the Mock Texas Court of Inquiry, that we hope to conduct for real sometime soon, and hook up with Professor John Newman and Rolf Larrson, of the Kennedy Library, both of whose work coincides with my own. I also hope to unite the divergent factions to focus on something we can accomplish – get Congressional Oversight and public hearings on the JFK Act, especially now that there is a new chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

After Dallas and a real Texas Court of Inquiry, and JFK Act Oversight Hearings, our next task will be to formally interview the last remaining witnesses, something that both CAPA and the TRC are attempting to do together in an organized fashion. I am also preparing two books that all donors will get sneak previews at - a CAPA Anthology of important news articles, book excerpts and conference presentaions, and a second book on my own journey through the JFK assassination story.

I hope you will support us in the long run, and me this weekend. Thank you all for your support.

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