Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Key Elements of the Valkyrie Plot @ Dealey Plaza

 Key Elements of the Valkyrie Plot 

There were five key elements of the Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler. 

1) The use of standard covert operational procedures, including the use of code words (Valkyrie), operating on a need to know basis, strict lines of authority, etc. 

2) Getting the victim to approve the plan and operation - as Von Stauffenberg did get Hitler to approve the Valkyrie plan, that was presented to him as mobilizing the Home Guard in response to a national emergency - the example given was a revolt of the millions of foreign slave laborers in Germany at the time, though the death of Hitler would also trigger it. And Hitler did approve it. 

3) The use of the Home Guard as "boots on the ground" to undertake the primary tasks of securing all key government buildings, radio, newspapers and media outlets. 

4) Control of all communications and media, as Stauffenberg put it, 'So only the Conspiracy speaks." 

5) Blame the assassination on the opposition - in this case the SS and Gestapo. 

The only major aspect of the Valkyrie plot that failed was the mechanism of death - the bomb, and that failed for a number of reasons. Those who have studied the July 20, 1944 attack on Hitler have pointed to a number of reasons for the failure. 

The first was the moving of the meeting at the last minute from an underground concrete command post with no windows to an above ground, wood clapboard map room. If the meeting was held as planned, everyone in the room would have been killed. 

A second reason for the failure was the fact that only one of the two bombs was detonated, and the second bomb not included in the briefcase that contained the bomb. Even without being detonated, the explosion of the first bomb would have set off the second bomb and doubled the extent of the damage. The undetonated bomb was kept in the briefcase of Stauffenberg's assistant and thrown out a car window during their escape. 

And a third reason the bomb failed to kill Hitler was because after Stauffenberg placed the case with the bomb next to Hitler, after he left the room another officer moved the case to the other side of a heavy oak leg that supported the map table, which deflected the impact of the bomb from Hitler. 


These five key aspects of the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler can be seen at Dealey Plaza. 

1) What occurred at Dealey Plaza was a covert intelligence operation, the evidence of which can be found in the fact people had foreknowledge of the plan, covert operational procedures were used, as well as the five key aspects of the Valkyrie plot, that fits like a glove over Dealey Plaza. 

The attack on JFK was given a code name, E. Howard Hunt said it was called "The Big Event," Gregory Douglas, a con artist called it Operation Zipper, while I just refer to it as The Dealey Plaza Operation (DPO). 

2) Just as Von Staufenberg got Hitler to approve the plan, JFK was asked many times to approve the CIA's plans to assassinate Castro, but he refused. JFK and the National Security Council (NSC) did approve however, violent CIA plans to attack Cuba with CIA trained Cuban commandos in order to affect the Cuban economy. RFK himself was introduced to the JMWAVE CIA officials and some of the commandos who took part in the raids against Cuba, blowing up economic targets, infiltrating men and arms and exfiltrating others. 

While some anti-Kennedy baiters insist JFK and RFK approved some of the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro, - the UK Telegraph newspaper recently said that was common knowledge, there are no witnesses or documentary evidence of such approvals. JFK told a number of journalists and close friends that the CIA was trying to get him to approve the assassination of Castro but he balked at such an idea. The Pathfinder plan, in which the CIA trained Cuban commando teams as snipers who were to shoot Castro as he drove by in an open jeep on the way to the DuPont's Xandau estate in Varadaro, as he frequently did, was according to one CIA document "disapproved by higher authority" (aka JFK and RFK). Even Desmond FitzGerald acknowledge he lied to Rolando Cubella (AMLASH) when he told him that RFK had approved the plan to kill Castro. 

Even though JFK and RFK did not officially approve the murder of Castro, they did approve many of the commando raids against Cuba, and RFK believed that one of those teams, perhaps even the one he met at the remote JMWAVE base in the Florida Everglades, was responsible for the Dealey Plaza Operation, and according to friends and relatives, RFK felt guilty for his role in the death of his brother. 

3) The use of the Home Guard to carry out the tasks on the ground can be seen at Dealey Plaza in the use of the Texas National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, of which there are many examples. For one, the Pilot Car, a white Ford sedan, a mile in front of the motorcade, was to look for any possible trouble, but didn't observe any. The Pilot Car was driven by Dallas Police Deputy Chief George L. Lumpkin, who was also an U.S. Army Reserve officer. Lumpkin invited his commanding officer Lt. Col. George Whitmeyer to ride along in the middle of the back seat of the car, even though he wasn't known to or approved by the Secret Service. 

While they didn't report on all the open windows or the people gathered along the overpasses, as they were supposed to do, Lumpkin did stop the car at the intersection of Houston and Elm to tell the traffic policeman on duty there, as well as the sixth floor sniper above him, that the motorcade was only a few minutes behind them. 

After following the limo to Parkland and learning of the death of the President, Lumpkin returned to Dealey Plaza where he met with Texas School Book Depository superintendent Roy Truly. Despite the fact that Truly had seen Oswald in the Second Floor lunchroom a minute and a half after the shooting, and gave him a pass, Truly falsely said Oswald was the only employee missing, and called the administration office and obtained Oswald's address - at Mrs. Paine's house in Irving. Truly told Lumpkin that Oswald was suspiciously missing, and gave Lumpkin Oswald's Irving address as they went to the sixth floor where homicide Capt. Fritz was examining the rifle. Lumpkin gave Fritz Oswald's name and address, and Fritz then walked across the street where he met Sheriff Bill Decker in a short meeting that has never been documented. Fritz then went back to his office and asked a policeman to go out to Irving and get Oswald, but Fritz was told, "No need to Captain, there he sits," arrested as a suspect in the murder of Tippit. 

For more on the activitiesof the Texas National Guard and Army Reservists in the assassination see: Colonels at Dealey Plaza. 

JFKcountercoup: Colonels at Dealey Plaza / JFKCountercoup2: Colonels at Dealey Plaza in Alpha Order  ] 

4) The control of communications was accomplished through a number of means. For one all of the Air Force One, Secret Service and even SAC radios were controlled through the Collins Radio "Liberty" station radio relay center in Cedar Rapids Iowa, because all of the sideband radio used were made and maintained by Collins Radio. Art Collins was a close personal friend and fellow HAM radio operator with General Curtis LeMay, chief of staff of the Air Force. At the time Collins was director of the Texas Graduate Research Center in Dallas that prepared engineers to work for the Dallas area defense contractors - Bell Helicopter, General Dynamics, Collins Radio, etc., that JFK mentions in the first paragraph of his undelivered speech. The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) ran the radios through their temporary radio shack set up at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel suite, and recorded everything, though only a small portion of those tapes have been released. 

A second means of control of communications was the Dallas Emergency Communications Command Post, an underground bunker under the Science Museum at the Dallas Fairgrounds. This communications hub, that coordinated communications between authorities and major defense contractors, also utilized Collins Radio sideband radios and could monitor and record all official communications. This communications command post was under the control of US Army Reserve Col. Jack Crichton, commander of the 488th Intelligence unit. Crichton arranged for a Russian translator for Marina when she was first questioned by Dallas police, and half of the Dallas Police Special Services Unit(SSU) policemen were also US Army Reservists under Crichton's command. Because the SSU ran undercover agents, handled drug cases and organized crime, their headquarters was not at City Hall but at the Dallas State Fairgrounds, not far from the Emergency Communications and Command bunker. 

A third means of control of communications was through the CIA's operation Mockingbird, in which the owners and producers of all major newspapers, radio, TV and media had pledged cooperation with the CIA. This can be seen in operation when Assistant Dallas District Attorney Bill Alexander was drawing up the charges against Oswald and was being encouraged by Philadelphia Inquirer editor Joe Goulden to charge Oswald with being part of a Communist Conspiracy. Goulden was one of David Atlee Phillips assets and a close personal friend who is now overseeing Phillips' papers. When LBJ, back at his VP office in the Executive Office Building learned of this, he called the Texas Attorney General, and Dallas DA Henry Wade was tracked down at a Dallas restaurant and told to tell Alexander not to charge Oswald with aiding a Communist Conspiracy, as the radio was reporting he was going to do. Wade immediately went back to his office and confronted Alexander and settled the matter. 

5) Just as the Valkyrie plan to kill Hitler was going to blame the assassination on SS and Gestapo, the Dealey Plaza Operation called for the assassination of JFK to be blamed on Communists, Oswald and pro-Castro Communists, as Phillips and Goulden attempted to do. 

In addition, DPD officer and member of the Special Services Unit and US Army Reserve officer Strickland - sent a report to the US Air Force Strike Command - that JFK had visited a week earlier, informing them that the assassination was a Cuban Communist plot, apparently expecting them to prepare for an attack on Cuba in response to the assassination. 

In the days and weeks afterwards, dozens, not one or two but dozens of CIA officials, agents, operatives and media assets attempted to blame the assassination on Castro, what they call an "active measure" that continues today through the efforts of CIA agents Brien Latell and Bob Baer and their media assets like Gus Russo and Phil Shenon, all of whom still promote the discredited attempt to falsely blame Castro for the Dealey Plaza Operation. 

So there you have it, the five key aspects of the Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler that fits like a glove over the Dealey Plaza Operation. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Kelly Declaration AARC v. CIA Re: Detailed Study of Hitler Plot

 BK NOTES: While the Supreme Court is only considering the deliberative clause withholdings in the case, that will tell us the extent of the search of CIA records in this case, they may review the following details if they read my declaration filed in the appeal, that I elaborate on in my detail in the post that follows. 

JFKcountercoup: AARC v. CIA Re: The CIA's Detailed Study of the Hitler Plot


Kelly Declaration AARC v. CIA Re: Detailed Study of Hitler Plot





RESEARCH CENTER                                 :

Plaintiff                                                         :

v.                                                                    :            Civil Action No. 17- 00160(TNM)                    


 Defendant.                                                    :                                                            

  __________________________________  :          

Declaration of William E. Kelly, Jr.

     I hereby declare and state that:

1. I am a journalist, historian and author of two published regional history books, who has spent considerable time, since 1969, tracking down and interviewing JFK Assassination witnesses.

2.   In the course of my research in January 1995 I interviewed Volkmar Schmidt over the telephone, a conversation taped with his permission and subsequently transcribed and posted on the internet.

3.   In that interview Schmidt told me that he hosted a February 22, 1963 party at his Dallas residence for the expressed purpose of introducing Lee Harvey Oswald to Michael Paine.

4. While Michael Paine did not attend that party, his wife Ruth Hyde Paine did and met Oswald’s Russian wife Marina, and they became close friends until the day of the assassination.

5. At the same party Volkmar Schmidt said he had an extended 2-hour conversation with Lee Harvey Oswald in which he used a “reverse psychology” technique taught to him by his surrogate father, doctor Whilhelm Keutemeyer, professor of psychosomatic medicine at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. 

6.   Keutemeyer, Schmidt said, had two associates who were part of the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler, Herr Von Halen and dr. Adam von Trott zu Solz, both executed for their roles in the plot.

7. Schmidt admitted mentioning the July 20, 1944 plot to Oswald and suggested right wing General Edwin Walker should be killed, much like Hitler should have been.

8.   Not long after their conversation Oswald purchased a rifle through the mail using the alias “Hidel” traceable to him when he could have bought an untraceable weapon at any Dallas sporting goods of department store with no identification.

9.   Oswald is accused of taking a shot at Walker through a window at his home on April 10, 1963, a shot that missed, with the remains of the bullet in the Kennedy Collection at the National Archives. 

10.  Shortly after the Walker shooting Oswald relocated to his hometown of New Orleans where he got a job and an apartment while his wife Marina resided with Ruth Hyde Paine in Irving, Texas, before Ruth H. Paine drove Marina and the rifle to New Orleans.

11.  CIA Cuban Desk chief Desmond FitzGerald, looking for disenchanted Cuban military officers or anyone close to Castro, met with Dr. Rolando Cubela Secades (AMLASH) to encourage him to kill Castro, and another CIA case officer met with Cubela in Brazil on September 7, 1963.

12. On September 7, 1963 Fidel Castro visited the Brazilian embassy in Havana and denounced US backed commando raids and attempts to kill Cuban leaders, as reported in an Associated Press dispatch published on September 9, 1963, ostensibly read by Lee Harvey Oswald in the New Orleans newspaper. 

13.  In September 1963 Ruth Hyde Paine visited her relatives, including her husband Michael’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young - a close personal friend and traveling companion of Mary Bancroft.

14.  During World War 2 Mary Bancroft worked closely with Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer Allen Dulles in Switzerland and they were closely associated with Nazi military intelligence officer Hans Bernd Gisevius, a major participant in the failed July 20, 1944 plot, assisting him in his escape from Germany. 

15.  While visiting the Youngs in September 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine wrote to the pregnant Marina in New Orleans suggesting she return to Texas and live with her in Irving until the baby is born. For her response Marina was instructed to write to her in care of “Arthur Young – Paoli, Pa.”. 

16.  Marina accepted and on September 24, 1963 Ruth Paine left the Young’s farm and drove to New Orleans, picked up Marina and the rifle and drove them to Texas while Oswald went to Mexico City.

17.  The following day, September 25, 1963, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chaired by Air Force Chief of Staff General LeMay (while General Taylor was in Vietnam), met at the Pentagon where they were briefed on CIA covert operations in Cuba by Desmond FitzGerald.

18.  A memo/ minutes of the meeting was written by Col. Walter M. Higgins, Jr., assistant to General Victor H. Krulack, who was SACSA – Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities. In his memo Higgins wrote that FitzGerald reported that the CIA was preparing a “detailed study” of the July 20, 1944 plot against Hitler to be adapted for use against Castro in Cuba. Higgins wrote that FitzGerald, “Felt that there had been great success in getting closer to the military personnel who might break with Castro, and stated that there were at least ten high-level military personnel who were talking with CIA but as yet are not talking to each other, since that degree of confidence has not yet developed. He considers it as a parallel in history: i.e., the plot to kill Hitler; and this plot is being studied in detail to develop an approach.” (emphasis added).

19.   In October 1963 Ruth Hyde Paine helped Oswald obtain a job at the Texas School Book Depository, a building owned by D. H. – David Harold Byrd, a close personal friend of Air Force Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay, who chaired the September 25, JCS meeting at the Pentagon. 

20.   On November 22, 1963 D. H. Byrd was in Africa on a safari with Werner von Alvensleben, a German hunter who wrote an essay in support of the July 20, 1944 coup plotters and whose father was identified in an OSS document as an “assassination specialist.” Werner von Alvensleben’s favorite rifle was a Mannlicher-Schonauer, the Greek version of the Mannlicher rifle allegedly used in the assassination of President Kennedy.  In December 1963 von Alvensleben visited Byrd in Dallas. 

21.   On November 22, 1963 at the time of the assassination, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were meeting with the German General Staff that included two former Nazi officers who were directly involved in the July 20, 1944 plot, including Gen. Hans Speidel and Gen. Adolf Heusinger.

22.   D. H. Byrd later told friends, including the president of the Dallas Morning News, that he had removed the southeast corner window of the Texas School Book Depository, from which he believed the shots that killed the president to have originated, and displayed it in his home with his animal trophies, “where it became the centerpiece of many social gatherings”.  

23.  The request for these records are not broad, but very precise, and they should be looked for among the records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Asst. Army Sec. Joe Califano, Gen. Krulak’s papers, the files of Desmond Fitzgerald and Rolando Cubella, as well as any of those involved in planning for the covert operations in Cuba in 1963. When the CIA says that the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler “is being studied in detail to develop an approach,” to kill Castro, then it is impossible for there to be no documentary record of this “detailed” study.  And considering the numerous other associations between the July 20, 1944 plot within the JFK assassination narrative, its significance cannot be over stated.

      I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on November 12, 2017.                 _____/s/ William E. Kelly, Jr. ____(Signature)

Orignially Posted:

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Monday, September 21, 2020

The Valkyrie "Hitler Plot" At Dealey Plaza


On July 20, 1944 the German military plot to kill Hitler culminated in an explosion in a map room at the Wolf’s Lair field headquarters near Rastenburg, East Prussia. 

The assassination and coup plan, code named “Valkyrie,” was actually years in the making and has had repercussion for decades into the future, including now.

When the explosion didn’t kill Hitler and the coup attempt failed, most of the participants were rounded up and executed, and retribution and reprisals against their families was swift and deadly.

Colonel Claus Count Schenk von Stauffenburg, who planted the bomb, left the building and flew to Berlin. He thought for sure Hitler was killed in the explosion, but that belief was rebuffed by Hitler himself, who went on the radio to assure everyone he was still alive.

Hitler kept a scheduled meeting with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, who had been rescued from a mountain prison by commando leader Otto Skorzeny, who led the roundup of plotters.

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Colonel von Stauffenburg, General Friedrich Obricht and a few key plotters were immediately executed. Field Marshall Romell, who was aware of the plot, was permitted to commit suicide in exchange for the survival of his family and have a formal state funeral. Ludwig Beck, formerly chief of the general staff also committed suicide.

Others escaped the manhunt, including two officers who were on the West German General Staff during the Cold War – Generals Hans Speidel and Adolf Heusinger, both of whom visited the Pentagon on November 22, 1963 and were meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff when the assassination occurred.

Among those who escaped was Hans Bernd Gisevius, a German (Abwehr) intelligence officer and principle liaison between the German resistance and OSS officer Allen Dulles in Switzerland. Dulles’ main assistant Mary Bancroft served as the OSS case officer with Gisevius. Gisevious hid out in the basement of a friend in Berlin until Dulles and Bancroft got him forged papers identifying him as “Dr. Hoffman,” and a train ticket to Switzerland.

Gisevious testified against the Nazis at Nurenburg, sending some to the gallows, and for his cooperation was brought to the United States by Dulles. Gisevious was given a generous allowance and for a while stayed at the home of Tom Braden, who was head of the CIA’s International Operations Division. Mary Bancroft translated Gisevious’ autobiography and his personal History of the Third Reich.

And like other former German Nazis who cooperated with the Americans, and brought to the United States under Operation Paperclip – he was given a job with a major defense contractor.

On July 20, 1954, the tenth anniversary of the Valkyrie plot, then CIA director Allen Dulles had a public diner with Hans B. Gisevious, who was working at the time in Dallas for Dulles’ good friend Neil Mallon.

The July 20, 1944 Valkyrie attempt to kill Hitler is mentioned numerous times throughout the JFK assassination narrative, and a document released under the JFK Act is currently under submission to the U.S. Supreme Court.

What are the Valkyrie plot associations with the assassination of President Kennedy?  


When Lee Harvey Oswald returned to Texas from the Soviet Union, where he had defected after being discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps, he lived in Dallas with his Russian wife and daughter. There Oswald was befriended by George deMohrenschildt, a White Russian petroleum geologist.

When deMohrenschidt was preparing to leave for a job in Haiti, he arranged for his friend Volkmar Schmidt to have a February 22, 1963 house party where the Oswalds could meet Ruth and Michael Paine. DeMohrenschidt thought Oswald and Michael Paine had similar ideological philosophies and wanted them to meet. 

Schmidt shared the house with two other Magnolia Oil company engineers, Norman Frederickson and Everett Glover.

While Michael Paine didn’t attend the party, Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald became fast friends, and remained so until the assassination. While Ruth and Marina talked in Russian in a bedroom, Schmidt held a lengthy discussion with Oswald.

Schmidt was a German oil geologist who was working in Canada when I talked with him at length over the phone. Schmidt was one of the hosts of the Dallas house party set up for Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife to meet Michael Paine and his wife Ruth.

According to Schmidt Oswald talked for hours with him; Schmidt recalled to me that he used a “reverse psychology” technique on Oswald taught to him by a German psychologist. Schmidt reported that he talked to Oswald about General Walker, and suggested that Walker was a fascist who should be assassinated before he got too powerful, much like Hitler should have been killed, specifically mentioning the July 20, 1944 failed attempt to kill Hitler. Schmidt said he felt guilty for planting the seed in Oswald to shoot Walker, and he felt bad every time he drove through Dealey Plaza.

For the complete conversation see:

2)      PROFESSOR WHILHELM KEUTEMEYER – Von Halen and Von Trott

In his telephone conversation with me Schmidt said that Professor Whilhelm Keutemeyer was not directly involved in the Valkyrie plot but many of his friends were in the circle of those who tried to kill Hitler. “Stauffenberg, and several of his close friends were executed, and one of the sons of his friends, became  a very close friend of mine. Fritz from Holland - Frederick Von Halen. He was actually arrested before the plot came out. He knew about the plot and was tortured to death. And another gentleman who was involved was Von Trott, a friend of Kuetemeyer.”

“Dr. Kuetemeyer was a psychosomatic medicine specialist, but he also followed Jung and he treated patients as a psychiatrist and he was also a professor of religion at Heidelberg University. He lectured on literature and such….I grew up in his house basically. My father had passed away and so half the time I stayed there….I got a job with Magnolia in Germany because I worked for the German subsidiary as a co-op student in Germany, so they hired me after I graduated. They interviewed me in Paris and hired me on the strength of my thesis.”

According to Schmidt, “Oswald found out that if you really want to do something you can succeed in a lot of things, it just takes determination. That’s how he learned Russian, hea? It took incredible determination. And he pulled himself out of really low class upbringing in Fort Worth, which was hell, so he was a bitter young man because of social injustice, which quite frankly existed in Texas especially. So he was a nothing, who tried to make something out of himself…”

“Professor Kuetemeyer told me you know, to deal with people like this who are disturbed, you have to use empathy, be slightly over zealous yourself to link up with them and that total insanity, towards reality. When I heard how hateful he was towards Kennedy and Cuba, which was kind of irrational, I tried to say "hey, there’s something much more real to be concerned about," because I don’t know about Castro, but I know about this Walker, he’s kind of a Nazi, yea? Not so bad as those Nazis in Germany, but I had specifically mentioned to Lee Harvey Oswald, that Walker had given a speech to the students at the Mississippi campus and those guys went off and killed a couple of journalists.”

I asked Schmidt if he thought his conversation with Oswald about Walker may have instigated him to take a pot shot at him?

Schmidt: “Yes, he did, and naturally it was a terrible responsibility, and for years when I drove past the underpass I literally had to cry because, you know. But I exonerate myself completely because I had the best intent, embarrass Kennedy, and I certainly didn’t tell him to take a pot shot at him.  I may have triggered it. Actually, a few days after I talked with him, he bought his weapons.”

DeMohrenschildt belatedly revealed that Oswald had given him a copy of the backyard photo of him with the rifle and pistol and Communist publicatiions, which was enscribed by Marina with the notation: “Hunter of Fascists, Ha, Ha!”

“One thing is that the DeMohrenschildts were terribly afraid of all kinds of things, people disappearing and what not, and were afraid to talk about it. They also said that Oswald didn’t do it, but I think it could have been that they had the key in their hand. When they saw this nut giving them a picture with, "the Nazi killer." It was totally irresponsible for George deMohrenschildt not to make a noise about it. He told me about it.”

And he knew that Oswald had the rifle and may have taken the shot at Walker because the last time deMohrenschildt visited Oswald, saw the rifle in the closet, which sparked deMohrenschildt to refer to the Walker shooting by saying: “How did you miss?”


The Walker Shooting has been a significant but unexplored aspect of the Kennedy assassination.

Former New York Times reporter Phil Shenon wrote a book – A Cruel and  Shocking Act – about a house party in Mexico City where Oswald was supposed to have been encouraged to kill JFK by Cuban embassy employees. But the historic Oswald wasn’t there at the time. Furtermore, the rujmor that Castro was behind the Dealey Plaza Operation was a pre-planned disinformation campaign that failed; yet the vestigial notion remains a CIA “active measure” with the likes of Shenon and Gus Russo writing books and former CIA agents Brien Latell and Bob Baer writing books and making multi-part TV series on it, even though it isn’t true.

And here we have a house party where Oswald reportedly was encouraged to kill General Walker, and Oswald is accused of attempting to shoot Walker and of killing the President, yet nobody seems interested.

Former CIA official Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is not your typical former CIA officer.

Larssen, in his November 2019 CAPA presentation in Dallas and in the recently released Japanese documentary film, breaks from the traditional CIA response to conspiracy allegations by blaming Castro.

Instead Larssen postulates Oswald was recruited as a covert intelligence operative by a rogue element in the CIA. Larssen says that the Walker shooting was the type of thing that the CIA would look for to blackmail a person to do their bidding, and he thinks that was possible with Oswald after the Walker shooting, IF the CIA were aware of Oswald’s role. And the postulation that the CIA had knoweldge of deMohrenschildt’s allegation regarding Walker may not be a matter of pure speculation after all.  

Well after leaving Dallas, and on his way to Haiti to work for a year for Papa Doc, and plot against him, George deMohrenschildt met with some CIA agents in New York City in the offices of John Train, an official responsible for running CIA proprietary companies, like airlines (Air America) and publications (The Paris Review).

Among those deMohrenschildt met in New York City were CIA officer Thomas Devine (WUBRINY/1), a former partner in Zapata Oil with George H. W. Bush (and Neil Mallon?), a partner in the investment firm of Train, Cabot and Associates.

Did deMohrenschildt tell them the most potentionally significant piece of intelligence he possessed – that Oswald had a rifle and took the shot at Walker?

After meeting with the CIA in New York City deMohrenschildt went to Washington D.C. where he met with Dorothie Matlack and Colonel Sam Kail of military intelligence, specifically ACSI – Assisatnat Chief of Staff for Intelligence. Kail was the Army liaison officer at the American embassy in Cuba when Batista fled and Castro assumed power. Kail worked closely with David Atlee Phillips and “Maurice Bishop” told Anthony Veciana to contact Kail. John Newman says that the recently released records indicate Veciana was operated, not by the CIA but by Army Intelligence. And Colonel Frank “Brandy” Brandstetter, the manager of the then brand new Havana Hilton, was a US Army Reserve officer officially in Col. Jack Crichton’s 488th USAR Intelligence out of Dallas, but reported directly to ACSI in DC, specifically to Dorothie Matlack. After Batista fled on New Year’s Eve 1959, Dr. Rolando Cubella of the DRE took over Batista’s office but Castro, when he got to Havana, accepted Col. Brandy’s offer to stay in the Penthouse of the Havana Hilton.

Did deMohrenschilt tell the CIA or ACSI officers he met that Oswald had a rifle and took a shot at Walker?

When Marina testified before the Warren Commission she was asked about the Walker shooting. She said Oswald admitted as much, and said that he did it because Hitler should have been killed too, specifically mentioning Hitler. She also wrote “Hunter of Fascists!, Ha, Ha,” on the backyard photo given to deMohrenschildt.

And Colonel Dr. Jose Rivera (USA Reserves), who was stationed at Fort Detrick, Maryland, knew Oswald was involved in the Walker shooting and knew Oswald’s address in New Orleans before Oswald himself knew where he was going to live. (See: Adele Edisen for details).

Shortly after the Walker shooting Oswald took a bus to his hometown of New Orleans, while Marina stayed with Ruth Paine. Finding a job and an apartment, Oswald called Ruth Paine and she drove Marina and the baby and their belongings to New Orleans, where the Oswald stayed for an eventful summer. Oswald tried to infiltrate Carlos Bringuier’s DRE group there, giving Bringuier his US Marine Corps training manual. Then he got into a fight with Bringuiner and two other Cuban exiles while giving out Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) leaflets in front of the International Trade Mart. After a court hearing Oswald engaged in a radio debate with Bringuier and a CIA trained psychological warfare expert.


Sometime during that summer Ruth Paine wrote a letter to the pregnant Marina asking her if she would like to move in with her in Texas until she had the baby. If Marina agreed, she was directed to write a letter to Ruth Paine in care of C/O Arthur Young, Paoli, Pa.

When I first read about that letter in Gerald Ford’s Portrait of the Patsy, err Assassin, I wondered who Arthur Young was, and found him to be one of the most interesting persons I have encountered. The eccentric Princeton-educated inventor of the Bell Helicopter (49A – MASH helicopter), Young was responsible for getting Michael Paine the job at Bell in Texas, where Paine and his wife Ruth Hyde Paine relocated, and invited Marina into their home.

Young’s wife was Michael’s mother – Ruth Forbes Paine Young. Michael’s father Lyman Paine was a rich cocktail party communist and a founder of the Trotskyite Party in the USA. Oswald subscribed to the Ttotskyite Party paper,  – The Militant, a copy of which he is holding in the backyard photos, along with the rifle and pistol.

Michael Paine was living with his mother and Arthur Young at their historic farm in the outskirts of Philadelphia when he met Ruth Hyde at a folk dance. They were married at the Friends Meeting at Media, Pa., where radical leftist militants broke into the Media FBI office and stole their files, including the revealing COINTEPRO documents that detail the FBI’s infiltration of anti-Vietnam war groups. They could never find out who broke into their office until the statute of limitations ran out and some of those responsible came clean.

Ruth Hyde Paine took her children on a summer vacation road trip in 1963, visiting her father in Ohio, her sister, who worked for the CIA in Virginia, and Michael’s mother, first at the Forbes private Naushon Island off Woods Hole, Massachusetts, also often visited by Mary Bancroft and yachtsman Walter Cronkite. Both Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Cronkite, as well as Priscilla Johnson McMillan, were active members of the World Federalists, founded by Cord Meyer, Jr. to support the United Nations.

After visiting Naushon Island with Ruth F. P. Young, Ruth Paine drove to the Young’s Paoil, Pennsylvania farm, where she must have received a letter from Marina agreeing to move in with her. So it is not unreasonable to assume that Michael’s mother and Arthur Young may have known as well.

Arthur Young was a major player in this drama, primarily in obtaining the Bell Helicopter job in Texas for Michael, where they relocaterd from Philadelphia. But Young is not as significant as Michael’s mom – Ruth Forbes Paine Young, as she was also a best friend and traveling companion of Mary Bancroft.

According to Bancroft’s book Autobiography of a Spy, Ruth Forbes accompanied her aboard a steamship to Europe, on which Bancroft met her future husband, a Swiss businessman. Marrying him and relocating to Switzerland – where she was living at the beginning of World War II and where she met OSS officer Allen Dulles, becoming his primary assistant and paramour. She was also the case officer for Hans Bernd Gisevious.


As the story goes, Bancroft was in bed with Dulles one evening when there was knock on the door. Because it was well known that Dulles was an American OSS officer, he was often sought out by those who wanted to give him information or obtain it. Dulles later regretted not answering the door when he learned the visitor was Trotsky himself, an exile from the USSR who was on his way to Mexico City. That’s where he was assassinated by Ramon Mercader, a KGB trained killer. Issac Don Levine, who wrote the story of Mercader and the murder of Trotsky, also arragned for Priscilla Johnson to write Marina’s biography.

More significant to this story however is Dulles’ association with Abwer officer Hans Bernd Gisevious, who was deeply involved in the German military plots to kill Hitler. After planting the bomb that failed to kill Hitler, Col. Von Staffenberg flew to Berlin where Gisevious was writing press releases in support of the coup, but had to go into hiding when the plot failed.

Hiding out in the basement of a friend’s house in Berlin, Gisevious was delivered a package from Dulles and Bancroft that contained forged identity papers for a “Dr. Hoffman,” and a train ticket to Switzerland.

After the war Bancroft translated Gisevious’ autobiography and his personal history of the Third Reich. Dulles arranged for the CIA to give Gisevious and monthly allowance and for him to stay at the home of CIA officerTom Braden and eight kids. Then Gisevious moved to Dallas where he worked at the World Affairs Council for Dulles’ good friend Neil Mallon.

On July 20, 1954 Dulles and Gisevious celebrated the anniversary of the Valkyrie plot over a public dinner in Washington, D.C. , probably at the Alibi Club, where Dulles was known to frequently dine.

The next day the following article appeared in the Washington Star under the headline – “Key Man in Plot to Kill Hitler Dines Here With Allen Dulles.”

“Two men whose countries were at war against each other ten years ago met here last night to relive in memory the roles they played in the attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944. They were Allen Dulles, chief of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius, one of the few German conspirators who escaped death when the plot failed. He escaped because of Mr. Dulles' aid.”

“Mr. Dulles invited Dr. Gisevus to dinner for ‘a sort of anniversary party’ recalling one of the most amazing intrigues of World War II.”

“The story began when Mr. Dulles went to Switzerland in late 1942 to organize an American espionage center. In Berne he met Dr. Gisevius, who then was German Vice Counsul and actually a member of the Nazi intelligence organization, the Abwehr. Dr. Gisevius was anti-Nazi and convinced as were many of his countrymen, that Hitler was leading the nation to destruction. He put Mr. Dulles in touch with the anti-Nazi underground and the two men secretly worked together to encourage the plots that finally was climaxed by the attempt on Hiter's life.”

“Through Mr. Gisevius, Mr. Dulles was able to keep his government advised of the German underground which reached high into the German military. Hitler survived the bomb that exploded in his secret headquarters in East Prussia and ordered a bloody purge of the conspirators. Dr. Gisevius, then in Germany, hid from Hitler's agents until Mr. Dulles managed to smuggle forged identification papers to him. Then, as "Dr. Hoffman," Dr. Gisevius eluded the Gestapo and made his way to Switzerland and safety. Dr. Gisevius now lives in Dallas, Texas.”


Overall, it was a busy week in late September, 1963, in the immediate buildup to the assassination.

On September 16, someone signed Lee Harvey Oswald’s name on a restaurant registry in Hubertus, Wisconsin, shortly before the President would visit that state on his “Conservation Tour.” Shortly after the assassination a women who identified herself as “Mary” delivered a box of papers that she said Oswald left at her rooming house. Two detectives who went through the box before turning it over to D.A. Henry Wade, mentioned newspaper clippings and papers that referred to a planned assassination of President Kennedy in Wisconsin during the dedication of a lake and damn.

The following day CIA operative William George Gaudet obtained a visa to Mexico one person in line ahead of Oswald. In New York American diplomat William Attwood is informed that Castro wants to reach out and obtain some sort of normalization of relations with the United States, beginning a round of secret meetings between Cuban diplomat Carlos Lechuga and Atwood at cocktail parties at the apartment of ABC TV News reporter Lisa Howard. Lechuga, when previously assigned to Mexico City, had a relationship with Mexican national and Cuban embassy employee Sylvia Duran, while Attwood was the Choate Academy roommate of JFK who introduced him to Mary Pinchot (Meyer).

On September 19th JFK would approve Attwood’s back channel negotiations with Castro as long as they were not made public and it was acknowledged that Castro initiated the proceedings.

On September 20, Richard Case Nagell fired two shots into the roof of the State National Bank of El Paso, getting himself arrested and placed in federal custody. He is in possession of a Mexican tourist card for “Hidel” (aka Oswald).

Ruth Paine arrives in New Orleans after a summer long vacantion in her station wagon, visiting her father in Ohio, sister in Virginia and Michael’s mom Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Art Young at their Paoli, Pa. farm. She stayed the night in New Orleans and leaves the next day with Marina, her daughter and belongings, including the rifle. Early the next morning Oswald left his Magazine Street Apartment in New Orleans, skipping out on a month’s rent, and was last seen by a neighbor walking down the street with two suitcases.

On September 21, JFK and Jackie spend the afternoon aboard the Presidential yacht, Honey Fitz.

 Around the same time David Atlee Phillips is promoted to grade 15 and made Chief of Cuban Operations, Mexico City.

The President’s White House Diary and Desk Calendar at the virtual Oval Office on September 23 reads:

“President Kennedy signs National Security Action Memorandum 261 that assigns the highest national priority to Project FOUR LEAVES to develop and produce a military communications system,” as part of the Defense Production Act (Pub. L. 81-774)

I can find no other mention of Project FOUR LEAVES anywhere, and it is believed to be still classified.

On September 24, The Senate passes JFK’s Limited Test Ban treaty,  departs on his “Conservation Tour,” with the first stop being the home of Mary Pinchot (Meyer), whose conservative Republican mother (and widow of a former governor) is given a special award from the President for donating some of her property to the federal government as parks. Mary accompanies the President for this first leg of the journey.

The President then left for Ashland, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, where it is first publically announced that JFK will visit Texas on November 21 and 22.


On September 25, 1963 CIA official Desmond FitzGerald briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff on CIA covert operations against Cuba that could require military assistance; General Krulak, who was responsible for such assistance, sent his adjunct Col. Walter Higgins to the meeting. Higgin’s notes include the referance to the CIA’s “detailed study” of the July 20, 1944 Valkyrie plot that was being adapted for use against Fidel Castro.

Before going into an analysis of that document, and the Supreme Court’s interest in it, there is yet another connection to the Vakyrie plot that needs to be mentioned.


When Oswald returned to Dallas from Mexico, Ruth Paine helped arrange for Oswald to obtain a job at the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD).

The CIA, when it required cooperation from the media and academics, did not go to journalists or professors, but went right to the top – obtaining first the cooperation of the producers and university president. If they were to utilize the TSBD in an operation that required total control over the area, would they would go right to the top, to the building’s owner, in this case David Harold D.H.. “Dry Hole” Byrd?

Byrd was a major Texas oil man and early aviation pioneer, who was co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) in 1941 with Cord Meyer, Sr., the father of Cord Meyer, Jr. Oswald was a cadet and member of the CAP in New Orleans before he enlisted in the Marines.

Byrd was a cousin of Virginia Senator Harry Byrd and supported the explorations of another cousin Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd, whose radio reports from the polar regions could only be received by a young Arthur Collins, whose home-built radio in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Collins’ radio was the only receiver that could pick up Admiral Bryd’s radio reports. Collins then established Collins Radio and he received many military contracts during World War II. In November 1963, Collins radios were included in all SAC bombers and the Executive Air Fleet, thanks to Art Collins good friend and fellow HAM radio enthusist Curtis LeMay, Air Force Chief of Staff.

In 1961 Byrd became associated with James Ling and Chance Voght to form Ling-Tempco-Voight  (LTV), a major defense contractor.


At the time of the assassination D. H. Byrd was on a safari in Africa with Baron Werner Von Alvensleben, a German whose father was described in an OSS report as being an “assassination expert.” Von Alvensleben also wrote a post-Valkyrie pamphlet in support of those who plotted against Hitler.

When he returned home after the assassination he brought Von Alvensleben with him as his guest. Byrd then had one of the windows removed from the Sixth Floor of the TSBD and placed it in his trophy room with the heads of dead animals.

8) Then there's the German General Staff visit to the Pentagon on November 22, 1963. They were in a meeting with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Genera Maxwell Taylor when they were notified the President was shot. Two of the generals were part of the Valkyrie plot but escaped retribution. They were mystified at the American's response to the assassination. The meeting continued as if nothing had happened, and when it was over, General Tayor took a nap. 


Another popular safari hunting partner of D. H. Byrd was General James Doolittle, famous for his WWII 1942 carrier based bombing of Tokyo. Doolittle is less famous for being the principle author of the Doolittle report, which recommended that the CIA be given more covert action authority.

                                                        Byrd, Doolittle and dead lion.

And now D. H. Byrd, Von Alvensleben and Doolittle are the subjects of an FOIA request submitted by D.C. attorney Dan Alcorn, the lead lawyer in the AARC vs. CIA “Hitler Plot” suit that is now a topic of Supreme Court deliberations.

So there you have it – Eight ways that the Valkyrie “Hitler Plot” is mentioned in the JFK assassination narrative.

 BK NOTES: Many thanks to California attorney Patrick McCarthy for taking the time to read and edit this article. 

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Oswald and the Walker Shooting


Oswald and the Walker Shooting

In preperation for the Walker shooting Oswald surveyed the area, took photos of the Walker house and alley, kept a scrapbook of Walker newspaper clippings, kept a notebook of his activities, wrote a letter to Marina telling her what to do if he was killed or captured, arranged for his raincoat to conceal the rifle when he traveled on a bus, left the weapon near the scene, then destroyed most of the above in a toilet. He returned home hypervenelating and excited hours after the shooting and told Marina Walker should be killed as Hitler should have been, echoing Volkmar Schmidt’s talk to him.

As Rolf M-Larrson mentioned in his CAPA presentation, Oswald did none of this before the assassination of the President.

There is another aspect of the Walker shooting that has not received any attention. The date of the shooting – April 10, 1963 coincides with another major event that occurred that morning – the sinking of the nuclear submarine USS Thresher.

The two events at first appear unrelated, but in retrospect, there are some ties that are more than coincidences.  

For one, the Thresher was discovered by sonar ships from the Woods Hole research lab in Massachusetts, just across the bay from the Forbes family island that Ruth Paine and Michael’s mom Ruth Forbes Paine Young visited shortly before Ruth picked up Marina in New Orleans.

It was scientists from the Woods Hole facility who devised the acoustical echo analysis of the Dallas Police dictabelt for the HSCA.

The sinking of the Thresher was blamed on faulty O-rings, that were ostensibly made by the Bendix corporation, who were sued in court by a former employee (Bray vs. Bendix). At that trial Bray tried to introduce a film of the assassination that was not the Zapruder film, but was apparently denied.

Bray also said that he was visited by a group of men in suits and ties who claimed to represent JFCOTT – Justice For Crew Of The Thresher, who blaimed the sinking of the Secretary of the Navy, who they said should be shot. To me this sou nds remarkably like the three men who visited Sylvia Odio, two Cubans and Oswald, who said that the President should be shot because of the Bay of Pigs.

The Secretary of the Navy, John Connally, was replaced by Fred Korth, both men from Texas. Oswald wrote to Connally from the USSR complaining about the change in his military discharge to “undesirable,” after his defection. Since the USMC come under the Dept. of Navy, the Navy Secretary could intervein. But Connally had left the Navy Secretary job to run for Governor, and the letter from Oswald was passed on to Korth, his successor. Korth knew of Oswald too, as he had represented Oswald’s mother in divorce proceedings.

Now all of this could be considered nonsense and ignored if it wasn’t for James Reston, Jr., son of the famous New York Times editor. Years after the assassination, Reston, Jr. came out with the theory that Oswald was shooting at former Navy Secretary Connally and not the President, who was accidently shot in the back and the head. At least Oswald had a motive to shoot Connally, Reston, Jr. argued.

In any case, Oswald and the Walker shooting is a yet unresolved issue.

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Desmond FitzGerald and Rolando Cubela (AMLASH)


Desmond FitzGerald, the CIA officer who briefed the Chiefs on CIA covert operations against Cuba, was personally involved in the case of Dr. Rolando Cubela (AMLASH), a founder of the anti-Castro DRE – Student Directorate, who the CIA considered their best bet to fit the disgruntled Cuban military officer who would lead an assassination attempt and coup.

We first learn about Cubela when he was a co-founder and leader of the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE) that was founded at the University of Havana to oppose Batista. On New Year’s Eve 1959, after Batista fled Cuba, the DRE took over Batista’s official government offices, Cubela sat in his chair, put his boots up on Batista’s desk and smoked his cigars.

When Che arrived in Havana and went to Batista’s offices, he found the DRE already there and they refused entry to Che. Shortlly thereafter when Fidel himsef arrived, and learned of the situation, he took up the offer of the head of the new Havana Hilton to use the penthouse suits as his headquarters. Colonel Frank “Brandy” Brandstetter was a Dallas native and officially part of Col. Jack Crichton’s 488th Intelligence unit, but reported directly to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) at the Pentagon.

When Castro assumed power he gave Cubela an officer’s rank in the Cuban army and made him head of the Cuban International Federation of Students, which permitted him to travel outside the country frequently.

In March, 1961 Cubela approached the CIA about defecting but instead was told to remain as an agent in place, and did so, despite CIA officer Joseph Langosch’s suspicion Cubela was a “dangle” and working as a double-agent.

In September 1963 Cubela, given the code AMLASH,  met with CIA case officer Nestor Sanchez in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where Sanchez suggested Cubela should assassinate Fidel Castro. Cubela asked for a meeting with RFK, “for assurances of U.S. moral support for any activity Cubela under took in Cuba.”

The very next day Castro visited a reception at the Brazilian embassy where he gave an extended interview with Associated Press Reporter Daniel Harker in which he denounced the Cuban commando raids against Cuba and the threats to his own life saying, “United States leaders wold be indanger if they helped in any attempt to do away with leaders of Cuba.”


Of course the selection of the Brazilian embassy to make these statements supported the idea that Cubela was a double-agent and reporting his CIA contacts directly to Castro, but FitzGerad and Sanchez continued their courtship of Cubela.

On October 29, Sanchez and FitzGerald himself met with Cubela in Paris, with FitzGerad falsely stating that he was a personal representative of Robert Kennedy, who knew all about these activities. FitsGerald was a charismatic character who looked like a Kennedy and some wrongly thought he was a cousin; and FitzGerald was a neighbor of and did play tennis with RFK on occasion. But FitzGerald later admitted he never told RFK the details of these plans to kill Castro.

FitzGerald’s assistant Sam Halpern has said:  “Des was really more interested in starting a coup, and he hoped that Cubela could organize other army officers. But in coups, he understood, people die. The way to start a coup is to knock off the top man. Des felt it was a long shot, but it might work. We were desperate. Des was willing to try anything.” 

Because Cubela owned or used a resort apartment near Veradero that overlooked a road frequently used by Castro to travel in an open jeep to the duPont’s former Xandau estate, the CIA considered using that apartment as a staging area for the Pathfinder plan to kill Castro with a high powered rifle as he rode by in an open jeep.

When Cubela requested a high powered rife he could use to shoot Castro, FitzGerald balked, and instead suggesed poison.

And just as a bet on the Preakness Stakes was used as a code for the Seven Days in May movie plot, FitzGerald made a bet on Castro.

According to Evan Thomas (“The Very Best Men”): “FitzGerald did not think it was such a long shot that he was unwilling to make a small bet, giving reasonable odds. Just six days before he formally signed off on a high-powered rifle for AMLASH (Cubela), he accepted a little wager from Michael Forrestal, an official on the National Security Council staff who was a member of the Georgetown crowd (his father, James V. Forrestal, had been the first secretary of defense). A memo in FitzGerald’s personal files records a $50 bet with Forrestal on ‘the fate of Fidel Castro during the period 1 August 1964 and 1 October 1964. (Apparently, Fitzgerald saw a window of vulnerability for the Cuban leader that was roughly coincidental with the 1964 U.S. presidential election campaign.)”

“Mr. Forrestal offers two-to-one odds ($100 to $50) against Fidel’s falling (or being pushed) between the dates 1 August and 1 October 1964. In the event that such a thing should occur prior to 1 August 1964 the wager herein cancelled. Mr. FitzGerald accepts the wager on the above terms.” This memo is dated November 13, 1963, a day after FitzGerald briefed Kennedy on the progress of the Cuban operation and one day before the Special Group approved his plan of continued covert operations against the Castro Regime.

According to Thomas,“On November 22, 1963, Des FitzGerald had just finished hosting a lunch for an old friend of the CIA, a foreign diplomat, at the City Tavern Club in Georgetown, when he was summoned from the private dining room by the maĆ®tre d’. FitzGerald returned ‘as white as a host,’ recalled Sam Halpern. Normally erect and purposeful, FitzGerald was walking slowly, with his head down. ‘The President has been shot,’ he said.”

“The lunch immediately broke up. On the way out the door Halpern anxiously said, ‘I hope this has nothing to do with Cubans.’ FitzGerald mumbled, ‘Yea, well, we’ll see.’ In the fifteen minute car ride back to Langley, FitzGerald just stared straight ahead. He was well aware that in Paris, at almost the moment Kennedy was shot in Dallas, one of his case officers had been handing a poison pen to a Cuban agent to kill Castro. It was at the very least a grim coincidence.”

Back in Paris on November 22, 1963 Sanchez met with Cubela and gave him a special pen-syringe, developed by the CIA Technology division that was sharp and would not be felt, and used Black Leaf 40 – a deadly poison. As they left the meeting they were informed that President Kennedy had been killed.

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Deiberative Clause


The Supreme Court will not discuss the assassination of President Kennedy or any of the information presented here, but instead will focus strictly on the AARC’s request for the internal records that indicate what the CIA did in its search for the requested records on the “detailed study” of the Hitler plot that was to be used against Castro.

After reading the Higgins memo document the lead attorney on the case Dan Alcorn and Jim Lesar, head of the Assassinations Archives and Research Center (AARC) filed an FOIA request for that "detailed study." But in response the CIA claimed it could find no records of that study whatsoever, or any references at all to the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler among its records. 

Incredulous, the lawyers requested any internal memos, phone call records and emails that the CIA generated during its search, that would indicate the extent of their efforts, but they too were denied, withheld under the “deliberative” clause.

FOIA Exemption Five covers internal communications in the Executive Branch that are legally "privileged." The most commonly encountered privilege under Exemption 5 is the "deliberative" privilege, which covers "predecisional" materials written as part of the decision making process in federal agencies.

The deliberative clause that permits agencies to withhold records is one of the most controversial, as it is not a matter of national security at stake, but the interpersonal communications among the administrators and bureaucrats, some of whom could be embarrassed by their “deliberations.”

It was the deliberative exemption that Congress used to exempt itself from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as it said that their communications with constituents and donors must remain confidential, and the deliberative clause is widely used by government agencies to withhold records.

It is the deliberative exempion in regards to another case that the Supreme Court is considering and to which the AARC vs. CIA case has been assigned because of the similarities.

On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ______________PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI ____________________

This Court granted of a writ of certiorari on February 28, 2020 in case # 19-547, Fish and Wildlife Serv., et al. v. Sierra Club, Inc. That case presents an issue closely similar to one in Petitioner’s case involving the deliberate process privilege under Exemption 5 of the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5). The results of the two cases arising from different circuits are in conflict. The Fish and Wildlife Service case presents an issue of compelled release under the FOIA of draft documents for which the government asserts a deliberative process privilege under FOIA Exemption 5. Petitioner AARC’s case involves the Central Intelligence Agency’s successful assertion of the Exemption 5 deliberative process privilege for information reflecting CIA’s search activities in responding to Petitioner’s FOIA request. Petitioner’s FOIA request relates to a matter of public importance- new information about the circumstances of the assassination of President Kennedy.

According to the AARC web site: “The United States Supreme Court has officially requested that the Department of Justice file a response to the AARC’s “Hitler plot” lawsuit. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has waived its right to file a brief opposing the AARC’s petition. Now at least one member of the Supreme Court has requested that the Solicitor General, acting on behalf of the Department of Justice, explain why the CIA has not set forth its position on the facts and legal issues raised by the AARC’s petition. The ultimate goal in a petition for a writ of certiorari is to get the United States Supreme Court to issue the writ. The issuance of this week’s (16 July, 2020) request by the Supreme Court places the AARC just one step away from achieving this goal. The challenge of this effort remains a daunting and problematic process, but at least the AARC has reached the very threshold of success.  The AARC is encouraged by this development and remains optimistic about reaching the top of this nation’s judicial pyramid. The AARC will have the right to reply to the Solicitor General’s contentions.”

The Fish and Wildlife case will be deliberated on in October, and the government will respond to the AARC vs. CIA “Hitler Plot” case in mid-October. Stay tuned. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

George deMohrenschildt and the Walker Shooting


Bush and the JFK Hit, Part 5: The Mysterious Mr. de Mohrenschildt -  WhoWhatWhyEdwin Walker - Wikipedia

                 George deMohrenschildt and General Edwin Walker 

The shooting of General Walker has been a significant but unexplored aspect of the Kennedy assassination. 

The first mention of Lee Harvey Oswald being a suspect in the Walker shooting appeared in an obscure German newspaper, and had somehow escaped the attention of the entire American press corps. 

Former New York Times reporter Phil Shenon wrote a book – A Cruel and  Shocking Act – about a house party in Mexico City where Oswald was supposed to have been encouraged to kill JFK by Cuban embassy employees. But the historic Oswald wasn’t there at the time, and the idea that Castro was behind the Dealey Plaza Operation was a pre-planned disinformation campaign that failed. Yet, it remains a CIA “active measure” with CIA assets like Shenon and Gus Russo writing books and former CIA agents Brian Latell and Bob Baer writing books and making multi-part TV series on it, even though it isn’t true.

And here we have a house party where Oswald most certainly was encouraged to kill General Edwin A. Walker, and he is accused of attempting to shoot Walker and of killing the President, yet no one seems interested.

Volkmar Schmidt, in a lengthy conversation with Oswald at a Feb. 22, 1963 houseparty, told me he suggested to Oswald that Walker should be killed as Hitler should have been, and specifically mentioned the July 20, 1944 attempt to kill Hitler.

George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia

Oswald gave deMohrenschildt a copy of the backyard photo that Marina had inscribed: "Hunter of Fascits, Ha, Ha!" 

Former CIA official Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is not your typical former CIA officer.

Larssen, in his November 2019 CAPA presentation in Dallas and in the recently released Japanese documentary film, breaks from the traditional CIA response to conspiracy allegations by blaming Castro. Instead he postulates Oswald could have been recruited as a covert intelligence operative by a rouge element in the CIA. Larssen says that the Walker shooting was the type of thing that the CIA would look for to blackmail a person to do their bidding, and he thinks that was possible with Oswald after the Walker shooting, IF the CIA were aware of Oswald’s role. And not so big an IF after all.

After leaving Dallas, and on his way to Haiti to work for a year for Papa Doc, George deMohrenschildt met with some CIA agents in New York City in the offices of John Train, an official responsible for running CIA propriety companies, like airlines (Air America) and publications (Paris Review).

Among those he met  CIA officer Thomas Devine (WUBRINY/1), a former partner in Zapata Oil with George H. W. Bush, a partner in the investment firm of Train, Cabot and Associates.

Did deMohrenschildt tell them the most significant piece of intelligence he possessed? –Tthat Oswald had a rifle and took the shot at Walker.

After meeting with the CIA in New York City deMohrenschildt went to Washington D.C. where he met with Dorothie Matlack and Colonel Sam Kail of military intelligence, specifically ACSI – Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence. Kail was the Army liasion officer at the American embassy in Cuba when Batista fled and Castro assumed power. Kail worked closely with David Atlee Phillips and “Maurice Bishop” told Anthony Veciana to contact Kail. John Newman says that the recently released records indicate Veciana was operated, not by the CIA but by Army Intelligence. And Colonel Frank  “Brandy” Brandstetter, the manger of the then brand new Havana Hilton, was a US Army Reserve officer officially in Col. Jack Crichton’s 488th USAR Intelligence unit in Dallas, but he acknowledged that he reported directly to ACSI in DC, specifically to Dorothie Matlack. 

After Batista fled on New Year’s Eve 1959, Dr. Rolando Cubella of the DRE took over Batista’s office but Castro, when he got to Havana, accepted Col. Brandy’s officer to stay in the Penthouse of the Havana Hilton.

Did deMohrenschilt tell the CIA's Devine or ACSI officers Col. Kail and Dorothie Matlack that Oswald had a rifle and took a shot at Walker?

Matlack said that deMohrenschildt discussed "hemp," and wanted to overthrow Papa Doc and help install a friend in power in Haiti. 

When Marina testified before the Warren Commission she was asked about the Walker shooting she said he admitted as much, and said that he did it because Hitler should have been killed too, specifically mentioning Hitler. 

She also wrote “Hunter of Fascists!, Ha, Ha,” on the backyard photo given to deMohrenschildt.

And Colonel Dr. Jose Rivera (USA Reserves), who was stationed at Fort Detrick, Maryland, knew Oswald was involved in the Walker shooting and knew Oswald’s address in New Orleans before Oswald himself knew where he was going to live. (See: Adele Edisen for details).