Thursday, December 3, 2020

Dear President Trump - Please Release the JFK Files



As suggested by my friend and associate William Paris, President Trump has the disposition and temperament to release the remaining sealed JFK assassination records - as a parting shot of his administration. And I agree, so I wrote this letter and intend to plant the seed of this idea in the minds of three of his know associates - Roger Stone, Michael Caputo and Rep. Jeff Van Drew. Stone of course, is the Republican dirty trickster, pardoned by the president and author of a book blaming the assassination of JFK on LBJ. Caputo is a Stone protege and associate of mine on other issues, while Jeff Van Drew is the former democrat elected to represent the 2nd District of New Jersey who switched parties and was re-elected as a Republican by a slim margin over Amy Kennedy. If this doesn't work we may have to start a mass movement and flood the White House with letters, emails, faxes and phone calls, and if that doesn't work, do the same for Joe Biden, though I think his national security team will recommend the continued with holding of these records. 

President Donald Trump

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,

Washington, D.C. 20500

(202) 456-1111 / 1414


November 22, 2020

Dear President Trump,

According to the JFK Act of 1992, you are the only one who can order the release or continue to withhold the government files on the assassination of President Kennedy.

Unanimously passed by Congress and signed into law by President G. H. W. Bush on October 26, 1992, the JFK Act [44 USC c21/2107] provides for the expeditious disclosure of the records relevant to the assassination of President Kennedy. It required the full release of all such records by October 21, 2017, unless withheld by the President.

Although you repeatedly said that you would release these important records at that time, then White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly and CIA director Mike Pompeo convinced you otherwise, and you agreed to continue to withhold many records. Since it is now apparent that General Kelly is not a friend, and the continued withholding of these records is no longer in the public interest, it is now time for you to order their release.

According to the law the Act remains in effect until the Archivist of the United States informs the President, the Congress and the public that the last withheld assassination record has been released. So it is still the law of the land.

This is not a liberal - conservative, right wing - left wing, Democrat or Republican, conspiracy or non-conspiracy issue, it is one that everyone wants, except those in the Deep State with something to hide. As Federal Judge John Tunheim and former chairman of the Assassination Records Review Board said, there is no reason for any record to be withheld any longer.

Will you please see to the enforcement of the JFK Act of 1992, and order the release all of the government’s records on the assassination of President Kennedy, as only you can do?

Thank you,

William Kelly

Research Coordinator –

Citizens Against Political Assassinations (Dr. Cyril Wecht, chairman) 

William Kelly 

P.O. Box 250

New Lisbon, New Jersey



Cc: Roger Stone, Michael Caputo, Jeff  VanDrew



  1. Love your work and dedication Bill.

  2. I admire your effort and your optimism, Bill, but neither of those guys -- the incumbent and the incoming -- have the cohones to stand up to the national security state.

  3. Bill - good idea, it is worth the shot. You worded the letter in such a way that there is at least a chance he would do this - for revenge. Withholding the files when asked by the CIA in 2017 gave him leverage, but now that he is leaving, he has no use for the leverage and the only benefit for him is if he was convinced it would reinforce his story of a Deep State that had it in for him.

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  10. few of us who frequent Bill Kelly's site know how to read Arabic. or whatever language these posts about an English translation?
