Thursday, January 12, 2023

Letter to House Oversight Committee Re: Hearings on JFK Act


Now if everyone who is interested in this will write, email, fax and send a letter to the House Oversight Committee requesting to be notified when a hearing is scheduled, it might encourage them to do their duty and hold such oversight hearings on the JFK Act, as the law requires and as Judge John Tunheim has requested. Tunheim says that this is the next step. 

House Oversight Committee

2157 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone (202) 225-5051

Fax (202) 225-4784

Rep. James Comer (R. Ky) Chairman

As you represent the committee responsible for oversight of the JFK Act and President Biden has set a deadline of October 31, 2023 for the final release of the still withheld government JFK assassination records, it is time to hold an open public hearing on the matter.

Since the law stipulated all of the government records on the assassination of President Kennedy should have been released in October, 2017, and the last hearing on the JFK Act was held over 20 years ago, it is imperative that open public hearings are held to determine why the law was not upheld. There are many other questions such as why records were destroyed, some after the passage of the law, why previously released on full are now being redacted, and who is responsible for the continued withholding of these records.

As a journalist who was at the last hearing, and was a member of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA), I followed the work of the Assassinations Records Review Board closely and will also follow the oversight hearings, that are required by law.

Since Rep. Comer the chairman of the Oversight Committee is the only person who can schedule a hearing, he should be aware of Judge John Tunheim’s request for more than one public hearing.

So please inform me when any oversight hearing on the JFK Act is scheduled.

Thank you,
William E. Kelly, Jr.
P. O. Box 250
New Lisbon, N.J. 08064
(609) 346-0229 

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