Saturday, July 8, 2023

NARA Question # 3 - Whose Calling the Shots?

NARA Question # 3 - Whose Calling the Shots? 

Oh, and another thing, I have another question if you don't mind, as Columbo would say as he was leaving at the door. 

Who is really calling the shots here? Who is pulling the strings of the puppets? Who is the man behind the curtain? 

As Roger Stone informed us recently, as the Oct. 26, 2017 deadline approached he called his pal President Donald Trump and asked him what he was going to do. And Trump answered with a question of his own: "Why hasn't anyone brought this to my attention?" 

Then after he looked into it, told Roger Stone, the dirty trickster, that, ""They don't want to release it." Whose They? is what I want to know. 

And then Trump said, "I can't tell you, it's so horrible you wouldn't believe it. Some day, you'll find out all about it." 

Trump did get a still classified letter from the Archivist David Ferrerio, who reportedly recommended continual temporary postponement of some records that remain sealed. 

More than once, leading up to the Oct. 26, 2017 deadline, President Trump tweeted that he was going to release all of the remaining sealed records, as the law prescribes, but then, at the last minute, cow towed to CIA director Pompano and the White House Chief of Staff then USMC General John Kelly, and announced he would continue withholding some records, setting another deadline, a few years away. 

New York attorney Larry Schnapf, who is currently involved in a major civil suit in Federal Court in San Franciso this week against President Biden and the NARA for failure to enforce the JFK Act, had previously sued NARA for the correspondence and emails among those discussing the deadline to release the records and says that it is clear from what he obtained from them that continually withholding records was the plan all along. 

So President Trump wasn't calling the shots, that's for sure. 

And now President Biden signed off on a letter others wrote that attempts to "certify" the final release of records and what's still sealed will remain sealed indefinetely, and periodically reviewed by the National Declassification Center (NDC) according to the "Transparency Plan" created by the CIA and Pentagon to ensure national security information isn't released.

Biden says in his declaration that he did this on the advice of the Acting Archivist Debra Steidal Wall, who served in that position for a year and two weeks before she was replaced by a permanent archivist. But she didn't leave before sending a May 1, 2023 letter to President Biden saying the NARA had completed it's "review" of the sealed records in the JFK Collection, but still won't supply a number of still withheld and/or redacted records, or why they are being withheld, as the JFK Act prescribes. 

Last December, 2022, Federal Judge John Tunheim, former Director of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) wrote a "detailed" letter to President Biden, outlining his concerns about the sealed records not being released as the JFK Act requires. But Biden never responded to Judge Tunheim's letter, as he probably never saw it, as it was kept from him so not to interfere with the plans already laid out by whoever is calling the shots, and pulling the strings from behind the curtain.

It's not Presidents Trump or Biden, just puppets, just sign here Mr. President, and we can put all this JFK assassination nonsense behind us. 

It's not the AOTUS - Ferrerio, or the Acting Archivist who submitted the May 1 letter saying the NARA had completed it's "review" of records in the JFK Collection, and it's certainly not the young lady Ms. Colleen who is now the first female permanent Archivist, who is certainly just doing what she is told. 

So who is it?  I'd like to know who that is? 

And I'm going to find out. 

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