Sunday, June 16, 2024



There are two important active court cases concerning JFK assassination records including the Mary Ferrell v. Biden and NARA filed in federal court in San Francisco by attorneys Bill Simpich and Larry Schnapf. So far the judge has required the release of all Congressional records and the National Archives and Records Administration to create a working public guide to the JFK Collection as the JFK Act of 1992 requires.

The other case is now being appealed before the Supreme Court. 

Initially filed by Jim Lesar under the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC), Lesar's long time associate Dan Alcorn is now the lead attorney since Jim Lesar is ill.

The case will be considered  by the Supreme Court this Thursday, shortly before they take the summer off, like most of the federal government in Washington, so if it is accepted they won't make any further decisions until they reconvene in the fall.

The case is an important one however, and their consideration of it gives us the opportunity to review the details and why they are significant.

For starters, the case revolves around three key individuals - Air Force General Doolittle, whose Doolittle Committee, appointed by President Eisenhower, reviewed CIA covert intelligence operations and recommended they be continued and increased, in order to oppose similar operations being run by the Communists against us. Another member of the three man committee was William Pawley, who JFK assassination researchers are familiar with as an Havana industrialist before Castro, and leader of the Bayo-Pawley raid to Cuba using his private yacht that also included John Martino and Rip Robertson.

The other two individuals involved in this case are D.H. Byrd, the big oil man owner of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) at the time of the assassination, and Weiner Von Alverslaben, a German who ran an Africa  safari that included Byrd at the time of the assassination. As Jim Lesar learned from OSS records, Von Alveslaben's father was described as an "assassination expert" and wrote an essay in support of Von Staufenberg's failed July 20, 1944 bombing plot to kill Hitler, that according to the CIA's Desmond FitzGerald was being used as an example of how to kill Fidel Castro. 

In my conversation with German Volkmar Schmidt, who hosted the house party set up for the Oswalds to meet Ruth and Michael Paine, Schmidt claimed to use a reverse psychology technique taught to him by his step father psychologist in Heidelberg, telling Oswald that it would be a good idea to kill fascist General E. Walker like Hitler should have been killed before he got to powerful. Schmidt told me that his stepfather knew two of the Valkyrie plotters including Von Trott, and that the Von prefex before their names was a sign of German royalty.

One of those whose CIA records were requested D.H. "Dry Hole" Byrd was an early aviation pioneer and in 1941 a founder of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), along with Cord Meyer, Sr., father of Cord Meyer, Jr. a close lieutenant of CIA director Allen Dulles. Among CAP cadets in New Orleans was Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of the President. Besides marrying Mary Pinochott Meyer, a fiend and paramour of President Kennedy, Cord Meyer, Jr. was founder of the World Federalists, established to support the work of the United Nations. Among those who became members of the World Federalists were Michael Paine's mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young, a European traveling companion of Mary Bancroft, who documents their association and her relationship with Allen  Dulles as his OSS secretary and paramour.

Byrd,  was also the owner of the TSBD, was on a safari with Von Alverslaben  at the time of the assassination, and Von Alveslaben's nephew, a professional photographer, took many photos including some of the animals Byrd and company killed.

Byrd had also gone on African safaris with Air Force General Doolittle, While Doolittle is best known for his daring bombing raid over Tokyo, he is also the author of the forementioned Doolittle Commission report that recommended the CIA increase its covert intelligence operational capabilities.

After returning to Dallas from Africa, Byrd added some new animal heads to his trophy room collection in his mansion, and had Von Alveslaben visit as a guest for a few weeks, as the Dallas newspapers reported.

Byrd also had a sixth floor window from the TSBD removed and added to his trophy room collection.

One key aspect of the AARC suit being considered by the Supreme Court is the long standing exemption of CIA Operational records, the primary excuse that the CIA is using to exempt their records regarding Doolittle, Byrd and Von Alveslaben, which means they were not just used as sources of information, but as operatives in covert intelligence operations.

The Assassination of President Kennedy was most certainly an operation, what I refer to as the Dealey Plaza Operation, and the idea that the CIA could continue keeping it's "Operational Files" from the public would mean that we would never know the full truth of the CIA's relationships with Dootlittle, Byrd and Von Alvenslaben, let alone William Harvey, John Rosselli, Cord Meyer, Jr., David Atlee Phillips and others involved in the Assassination of President Kennedy who were key CIA operatives.

The Supreme Court will review this case this Thursday, June 20th, so we should know soon. 

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