MLK in Camden
William E. Kelly, Jr.

753 Walnut Street Camden, N.J.
MLK in Camden
Revisited – By William E. Kelly [ ]
Birmingham, Selma and
Memphis are all well-known places in the history of civil rights in America,
but few have ever heard of Maple Shade and Camden, until now, as the story is
still unfolding but one thing is for certain - the history of the civil rights movement in America and
biographies of Martin Luther King, Jr. will have to be rewritten as new
details emerge of MLK's time in Camden, N.J.
In June 1950, when
young seminary student Michael King signed his name to a legal complaint, - the first such official civil rights action he would take, he listed
his legal residence as 753 Walnut Street, Camden, N.J.
Today, more than
sixty-five years later, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Camden residence will be
saved from demolition, restored and developed into a civil rights museum and
community center in one of the city's most blighted neighborhoods, but it hasn't been easy.
When car salesman and
amateur historian Patrick Duff discovered the building's historic significance,
he had a hard time convincing state preservation officers, city historians and
even longtime neighbors that Martin Luther King, Jr. lived there, and the
building was worth saving, as the state wanted documentation, the city
historians were incredulous, and the neighbors didn't remember King walking
their streets. The city ordered the building razed after Duff began to seek
the historical designation that would preserve it.
Then Duff got the
attention of Camden mayor Dana Redd and powerful political boss Rep. Donald
Norcross, both of whom wrote letters to the state department requesting the
historical designation. Norcross then got his fellow Congressman, the late Rep.
John Lewis (D. Ga.), to support the preservation effort, and all three recently
spoke at a press conference in front of the house that hasn't been lived in in
twenty years, calling for its preservation.
"This place of
historic real estate must be saved for generations unborn," said Lewis,
who was in the area to receive the Liberty Medal at the Constitution Center in
Philadelphia. "Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't just help change America; he
helped change the world."
With these latest
developments, the history of the civil rights movement in America and
biographies of Martin Luther King, Jr. will have to be rewritten, as new
details emerge of MLK's time in Camden clearly indicate it was a crossroads, a
turning point in his life, and the civil rights movement in America.
The two years King
spent here while attending Crozer Theological Seminary go largely unrecognized
in his biographies, but new evidence is continually being discovered that
indicates something very special happened here, an event that radicalized King,
sparked a fire in his soul, and convinced him to dedicate his ministry to civil
While King's studies
at Crozier, in Chester, Pennsylvania are well documented, his residency in
Camden had escaped general recognition until recently, as Patrick Duff has
discovered the story behind that event, one piece at a time.
In reading back issues
of local newspapers while researching another issue, Duff came across an
article "The Bar that Started A Crusade," that related
how Martin Luther King had filed a legal complaint against a Maple Shade, N.J.
bar owner for refusing to serve him and three friends in 1950.
Researching the issue
further Duff found other news articles that indicated that was the first time
King had taken such legal action, and the event may have played a more
significant role in King's life than previously believed, and his hunch has
been born out.
Although the roadside
cafe bar called Mary's Place, and later known as the Morristown Pub was
purchased by the N.J. Department of Transportation and torn down, Duff obtained
a copy of the original complaint, signed by King and three companions - fellow
Crozer student Walter McCall, social worker Doris Wilson and Pearl Smith, a
Philadelphia police women.
What jumped out at
Duff was the address King gave as his residence - 753 Walnut Street, Camden,
the same address as McCall.
When Duff tracked down
the owner of the now boarded up row house, Jeanette Kill Hunt, and asked her if
she had any association with Martin Luther King, she replied, "Well he
used to live in my house."
She recalled King
living there when she was a young girl, saying King and McCall rented a back
room from her father, a relative of McCall.
"In those days,
anyone was welcome in our house. It had what we called a swinging door. My
cousin Walter (McCall) was King's friend, and the two of them lived in the back
room upstairs on and off for two years while they were in school."
Duff then went to the
Maple Shade city council with a proposal to make the clover leaf location of
Mary's Place a public park, and place an historic marker on the spot,
highlighting its significance. He also convinced a Morristown architecture firm
to design the park pro-bono.
In Camden the owner of
the house agreed to allow it to be preserved as a museum, and Duff obtained
strong local allies in Father Michael Doyle, whose parish includes the house,
and Rutgers Camden Law School, whose attorneys agreed to do the legal end and
paperwork. Such a museum and center devoted to King and civil rights, they all
agreed, could lead to the redevelopment of the whole neighborhood.
But shortly after a
fund was established to restore the house the state notified Duff that they did
not consider the site of Mary's Place or the house in Camden to be of
historical significance, and to top it off, the owner of the house received a
letter from Camden City officials ordering her to demolish the blighted
building in the middle of a block of rubble and crack houses.
Undeterred, Duff went
back to the archives and discovered the Philadelphia Tribune, the city's
venerable black newspaper, had a reporter cover the Maple Shade incident and
provided the key elements that could give it historical designation and certify
the time here as a life changing crossroads for King and some of the others
In June 1950 Crozer
seminary student Michael King had yet to become Martin Luther, Jr. King and was
known as Michael King. At the time King and fellow Crozier student Walter
McCall were on summer break from Crozer and working as associates of Haverford
College professor Ira Reid, the first tenured black faculty member at the
Philadelphia college. An Ivy League sociologist, Reid conducted seminars on
oral history techniques, and then sent his students out into the field to
interview old Baptist ministers in the south. Today there is a student center
at Haverford named after Reid.
King's father gave him
a black Cadillac when he graduated from Atlanta's Moorehouse school, where King
first met Reid and McCall. King graduated early with honors and was
accepted into Crozer, a predominately white and well respected school.
It was a Sunday
afternoon when King, McCall and their dates Smith and Wilson, went for a drive,
destination unknown, but later in the day, around midnight, they pulled off the
highway that is now Route 73, and stopped at the roadside cafe known as Mary's
While the identity of
Mary has yet to be determined, the cafe and liquor license were then being
operated by Ernest Nichols, a big, imposing German immigrant who fought in the
German army in World War I.
King and his
companions entered and sat down at a table and noticed a few people at the bar,
including three college students and possibly a black guy.
After being ignored
for a while, King got up and approached the bar, asking for service.
Nichols refused to
serve them and when it appeared that King and company were not leaving until
they were served, Nichols went into the back room and emerged with a gun,
saying, "I'd kill for less than this," and then opened the door and
fired the gun in the air, some say more than once.
That was enough to get
King and his companions to leave, but they went to the police and filed charges
against Nichols.
The police went to the
bar, took the weapon from Nichols, apparently got statements from the
customers, including three college students at the bar, and arrested Nichols on
two charges, one for violating the relatively new and untested civil rights
law, and the other was for a weapons violation.
The incident was not
something King wanted to brag about. Getting thrown out of a bar at gunpoint at
midnight on a Sunday was not something King wanted his father to know about. A
year earlier when King lived in the school dorm he berated another black
student for drinking beer in the dorm as it reflected on all of the other black
students, a distinctive minority. Now he was living off campus with McCall,
drinking beer, shooting pool and dating, and was in trouble. He would have to
appear in court before a judge over somewhat embarrassing circumstances, needed
legal help and couldn't call home.
As Lewis said in front
of the house, “there's good trouble and bad trouble,” and in this case they were
getting into good trouble.
King and McCall
contacted the head of the Burlington County NAACP, who referred them to Robert
Burke Johnson, a lawyer with the NAACP in Camden. Lloyd Barros, he pastor of
Zion Baptist church in Camden also put them in contact with Dr. Ulysses
Wiggins, the head of the local branches of the NAACP.
Like King, Dr. Wiggins
was originally from Georgia, and was a respected black professional who offered
them legal assistance. The NAACP attorney, Robert Burke Johnson, an assistant
city prosecutor, represented King and the other complainants at the preliminary
hearing in Maple Shade Municipal Court before Judge Percy Charlton.
The first Philadelphia
Tribune article appears to have been based on statements King and McCall gave
Dr. Wiggins, but the second Tribune account quotes Nichols’ attorney W. Thomas
McCann. McCann explained to the judge that Nichols thought King and company
wanted take-out liquor, which he was illegal to sell at that hour on Sunday.
But as the Tribune article puts it, he was unable to explain Nichols shooting
the gun, though Nichols did say that was how he called his dog.
The judge held Nichols
on $500 bail.
Nichols had a good
attorney in McCann, and the case is mentioned in McCann's obituary, where I first learned of the incident some years ago. Incredulous, since I was born and razed in Camden, I had never heard of King having lived there, and few others did either.
With Dr.
Wiggins, Johnson and the NAACP behind King and McCall and McCann, a noted
Morristown attorney defending Nichols, a dramatic court case was shaping up
that could have rivaled the Scopes trial and make them all famous, but then the
judge dismissed the case. Apparently, the parents of the three college student
witnesses put pressure on them and they declined to testify, and others
testified that Nichols did serve blacks. So the civil rights charge was
dismissed and Nichols pleaded guilty and paid a small fine for the weapons
Other than a few
newspaper articles, years apart, and a brief mention of the Maple Shade
incident in one of King's biographies, Martin Luther King’s life in Camden went
generally unnoticed, even under the radar of longtime residents and local
historians, one of whom emphatically declared that, "Martin Luther King
never set foot in Camden.” But the story is now well documented, and aspects of
it are still emerging, as we learn more about the short but significant time
King spent in Camden.
Nichols’ attorney
McCann said that he heard King testify before Congress on the radio, and when a
Senator asked King what sparked his interest in civil rights, he recalled the
incident at Maple Shade. But in those pre-ESPN days, the details are today
elusive, as Duff collects the historical documentation necessary to get state
recognition and monetary grants.
The support of the
politicians also apparently led to the cleanup of Walnut Street, and the
clearing of the adjacent vacant lot. "It looks like a different
street," said Duff, a bit bewildered at the sudden change in fortune.
Then Republican Thomas
Kean, son of the former governor, introduced a bill in the New Jersey State
legislature that would ensure the building’s survival and making it a
bipartisan issue supported by both parties.
While Maple Shade
erects an historic marker and considers a park, Camden begins to figure out how
to restore the house and revive the neighborhood, making the MLK house a
tourist attraction much like Walt Whitman’s house, not far away, on MLK
Boulevard ends at Wiggins Park on the Delaware River waterfront.
The street named after King ends at the park named after Dr.
Wiggins, just as the lives of Dr. Wiggins and King came together in Camden for
that brief but significant time.
Now they should change the name of Woodrow Wilson high school in East Camden after Dr. Wiggins.
Lewis concluded by
saying, "I would love to come back here and visit, and see an historic
marker at this place and this building restored, and it will be a day of
The day of jubilation
is getting closer, but it has not been easy.
$200,000 was budgeted by the State earmarked for the restoration of the house, but the money disappeared in the Camden city budget, re-appropriated to purchase fire equipment.
For another, the State of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection –
Historic Preservation Office procrastinated on giving King’s Camden the
historic certification it deserves, and instead gave Stockton University near
Atlantic City a $30,000 grant to “study” the situation. Instead of giving the
grant to their Black History Department, they had a half dozen professors and
an official Camden historian without a college degree look into the situation.
Stockton had
previously removed a bust of Stockton, a New Jersey signer of the Declaration
of Independence, because he was an attorney who owned slaves. Unlike Jefferson
and other signatories who also owned slaves, Stockton lost his family, his
fortune and his life after being held prisoner in a ship on the Hudson.
The Stockton “study,” after
reviewing Duff’s work and evidence, concluded the Camden house was of “minimal
historic signifiance," using Dr. Lewis Baldwin’s four books on King as part of
their argument.
Duff sent Dr. Baldwin the records he has compiled he got the following reply
from Baldwin:
Lewis Baldwin:
1. I
wholeheartedly disagree with the NJDEP's Historic Preservation Office's
decision "that the incident in Maple Shade that took place to MLK is of
'minimal historic import'." How can anyone honestly make such a
claim involving such a towering historic figure, whom we happen to honor
annually with a national holiday? The King monument in Washington, D. C. stands
alongside those of our most celebrated U. S. presidents, and King's birthday is
recognized or celebrated in some one hundred countries. I agree with your point
that "New Jersey failed to protect the rights of King in 1950," but
the state can make proper amends by honoring and/or protecting King's legacy
today. If the NJDEP's Historic Preservation Office continues to exist and act
as if the discrimination King faced in the state in 1950 is of "minimal
historic import," then it would be standing in the tradition of those
Mississippians who still do all in their power to either deface or destroy
monuments to the memory of King, Medgar Evers, Emmett Louis Till, and other
martyrs. Let me also say that much of the significance of the Maple Shade
incident lies in the fact that it was King's very first sit-in or act of
protest against racial discrimination.
2. I
most certainly believe that "the home in Camden from which King plotted
his first civil rights activity deserves to be placed in the New Jersey
National Register of Historic Places." New Jersey cannot wipe away this
part of its history by destroying places that should be preserved as historic
landmarks. By agreeing to preserve the home in Camden as an historic place, the
state would make a powerful statement about its efforts to honestly face an
ugly side of its history while striving to exemplify the spirit of what King
called "the beloved community."
Frankly, I was appalled and very disappointed to be informed and to learn that
the NJDEP Historic Preservation Office had apparently used my name and words
from an email in 2016 for its decision to deny the application to have the home
in Camden, New Jersey placed on the register filed in 2020. Having studied and
written about Dr. King for almost four decades, I could never agree to such a
decision. Had I been asked, I would have made this abundantly clear.
Duff writes: "As you can see he was not very
happy about the usage of his name and once provided with the same materials
available to the state his opinion on the significance of both the event and
the house are very clear. I shared these thoughts with the DEP and they
just never responded."
Duff has
been writing my book about the entire situation that will be available this
year. He reached out to the people at the DEP and Stockton University to
let them know they will be featured in the book and asked if they wanted to
explain themselves, only to receive a letter from the assistant commissioner,
Ray Bukowski. The letter stated that the DEP would now like to assist in
figuring out a way to save the home as a part of a larger plan to commemorate
some of the other figures involved with the event, such as Dr Wiggins and
Robert Burk Johnson.
For one,
I suggest that Woodrow Wilson High School in East Camden be renamed in honor of
Dr. Wiggins.
Duff has
since resubmitted another preliminary application with the state and is waiting
for them to approve it.
communication has not been great but they reached out to let me know that the
DEP's new Community Collaborative Commission was reaching out to Camden
officials to discuss how to commemorate the area. I am honestly not too
hopeful considering their past performance but I am not giving up.”
In the
meantime, Duff has unraveled another MLK
It is
not about a famous speech MLK gave, but a sermon he heard.
In his
book, Stride Toward Freedom, King
wrote: “Then one Sunday afternoon I traveled to Philadelphia (from Camden)
to hear a sermon by Dr. Mordecai Johnson, president of Howard University. He
was there to preach for the Fellowship House of Philadelphia. Dr.
Johnson had just returned from a trip to India, and, to my great interest, he
spoke of the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. His message was so profound
and electrifying that I left the meeting and bought a half-dozen books on
Gandhi’s life and works.”
some reason historians have been misinterpreting what King wrote as him saying
that Mordecai Johnson spoke ‘at Fellowship House,’” Duff writes, “when that is
clearly not what he said, yet the accepted historical narrative of
the event reads that the Fellowship House was the location of the
event, when it was not. BTW, the Fellowship House was torn down
decades ago. The date and time of the event has only been guessed at by
historians, with some biographies stating January of 1950 and others May of
1950, but these were all admitted guesses by the authors.”
doing research for his book Duff stumbled across a newspaper clipping from
November 18th of 1950 in the Philadelphia Inquirer that was quite intriguing
regarding a speech by Dr. Mordecai Johnson that was being sponsored by the
Fellowship House that was held at the First Unitarian Church on Chestnut Street
in Philadelphia.
then went a step further and started to dig through the Fellowship House
archives at Temple University and came across the oral history of the founder
of the Fellowship House, Marjorie Penney. Penney talked to King directly
about the Johnson speech and said that it took place at a "Fellowship
Church'', which at that time was being held at the First Unitarian Church, not
at the Fellowship House.
Duff contacted
the Church and spoke with the pastor, who told him that a story had been passed
down through the years that the speech took place at the church but it was more
of a myth. When Duff shared with her the evidence he found she was able
to obtain the church calendar book for 1950-1951, which clearly shows that
Mordecai Johnson was at the church speaking for the Fellowship House on
November 19th of 1950 at 3:45 pm.
“So now
the myth of the church is no longer a myth, and we have a place and date to
celebrate one of the most pivotal events in the life of Dr. King.
I am filing to have the property placed on the National Register of
Historic Places this week with the PA Historic Preservation Office.”
Johnson’s sermon about his travels in India and Ghandi’s use and promotion of
non-violent means of protests had a profound effect on MLK, as he says he
immediately went out and purchsed some books by Ghandi, and began preaching the
tenants of non-violent protests for change.
A few
years later MLK was asked to give a speech at a conference of Quakers at Convention
Hall in Cape May, N.J., and used non-violent protests as espounded by Ghandi as
his subject. A complete transcirpt of the speech was published in a Quaker
magazine, and I have read references to it being tape recorded, so somewhere
there is a lost speech of MLK sitting on a shelf somewhere, that should be found.
enough, when Ghandi himself was assassinated by a gunman, he wasn’t shocked or
frightened, but merely placed his hands together as if in prayer, smiled and
nodded to his attacker.