Thursday, August 24, 2023

Zeta-Diogenese - Black and Wet Operational Proecdures


                                                               Greek Philosopher Diogenes

Zeta-Diogenese –  Is an Air Force - Army code name for wet black covert ops 

I have wondered how John Rosselli could testify under oath that he was in bed in a Vegas hotel room when a Hollywood movie producer associate called him to tell him JFK was dead, and also be flown to Dallas in a private plane at the same time?

And how is it that the head of Maritime Operations at the CIA’s JMWAVE base Gordon Campbell, could still be conducting business a year after he officially died?

While some key people – Ed Lansdale for one, have been documented as being in Fort Worth and Dallas when JFK was there and killed, how were the main black operatives – shooters, spoters, drivers, pilots, etc., infiltrated and exfiltrated from Dealey Plaza and Dallas without anyone seeing or documenting their presence?

Well, the answer is Zeta-Diogenes, the code for the black-wet operational procdures that takes its name from the 4th century B.C. Greek philosopher and cynic who made poverty a virtue and when asked what he was doing replied: “I am just looking for an honest man,” but found nothing but rascals and scoundrels.

It is my opinion that Gene Wheaton is one of the most important whistle blowers of our times, not only for helping to expose the Iran-Contra operation, but the CIA plots to kill Castro, the assassination of President Kennedy, and government agency and military security protocols in general.

While Wheaton is best known for his short video interview with William Matson Law, in which he discusses his good friend, business partner and housemate Carl Jenkins, and his possible role in the assassination of President Kennedy, Wheaton also did a series of longer interviews with Matt Ehling, a Minnesotta documentary film maker affiliated with Public Records Media. He corresponded with and filmed extensive interviews with Wheaton. Although most of it concerned Wheaton’s role in the Iran-Contra scandal, he does touch on some interesting things – including the Zeta-Diogenes Program.

Wheaton:  “In Italy, in 1962, I was recruited into … I was approached to become part of an assassination network in the intelligence community. I was there (Italy) from ’61-’63 - as an (Air Force) Office of Special Investigations (OSI) agent working out of Aviano Air Base…In ’62, shortly after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and the embarrassment of the intelligence community, they … CIA covert operators in conjunction with some people in the Pentagon wanted to set up a secret cell –(a) worldwide cell of intelligence agents that would be called on for, uh, torture, interrogations, and assassinations, if necessary…  I was approached.  A man came out from Washington, talked to me, and described it as … in the Air Force - I don’t know if it was that way in all the services and the CIA - but in the Air Force it was called the Zeta-Diogenes Program, the ‘ZD Program’ for short.  And each agent that was indoctrinated, recruited into it would be given this secret identifier on his master military record in Washington DC, and only another ZD controlling officer would recognize it.  Nobody in personnel or anybody else would know that it was there.” 


Wheaton: “They went looking for young, super-patriotic, guys … flag-wavers … with military and police background …, above-average intelligence … who could work on their own.  Who would do anything for their country. I was approached - because I fit that mold. Conservative. Oklahoma, Big family, Flag wavers, Patriotic.  I had been in the Marine Corps before the Air Force, and I’d been a police officer before that.  And I fit the mold. “

“Because of the compartmentalization, and so forth,” Wheaton continues, “I never knew anybody else in that program, except I knew that General Joe Cappucci had been…for the Air Force portion of this thing. In ’65, I transferred from the Air Force to the Army … I don’t know if I was recruited in or rejected … they just came out and interviewed me, and told me what it was about, and if they needed me, the idea was that you’d be sent on temporary duty someplace, and then you’d disappear and you’d go where you were really supposed to go.  And then come back and your temporary duty would continue, and you’d go back to your regular base.  And they could call these individuals out from all over the world.  They wouldn’t be a team - they’d be individuals. The next time I was specifically approached by this - the next generation of these people - was during 1985, when I was being recruited into Ollie North’s network.”

“…The idea was that you’d be sent on temporary duty someplace, and then you’d disappear and you’d go where you were really supposed to go. And then come back and your temporary duty would continue, and you’d go back to your regular base…”

One person familiary with the Air Force’s Zeta-Diogenese was General Joseph J. Cappucci, head of Air Force Counter-Intelligence, and close friend of J. E. Hoover. At a party in Rome in 1969, Cappucci told his assistant Col. William Henry Amos that LBJ had JFK killed.

For more on this see: 

BRIGADIER GENERAL JOSEPH J. CAPPUCCI > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display   /

THE Macolan Case. Zeta-Diogenese Clear-Eyes.

While that sounds reasonable and doesn’t sound too far fetched, it is confirmed by at least one other military man - Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolan III, who informs us that he too was recruited into Diogenes:

“So basically they built this platform which was built on Zeta Diogenes Clear-Eyes. There are five levels with that. I’m a level five, able to handle other elements within the five membered cell. Its an unacknowledged special access programs deep coordinates cell.”

MacDolan: “We are pretty much I guess you would say the darker part of the CIA’s non official cover-type, where you got CIA agents which have a different name. Nonofficial cover are employed somewhere and that’s their day job. And then you turn a key and they become someone else. And go about doing their spooking so to speak. They’re a spook and some may know it and some may not. Most know it because they have to have special training to make sure they’re, they’re extremely careful not to compromise themselves….Non-official cover are employed somewhere and that’s their day job. And then you turn a key and they become someone else. And go about doing their spooking…..”

One of the weak links in this type of covert intelligence operation is the transportation – as Eugne Hasenfras demonstrated when he was shot down in Nicaragua while delivering supplies to the Contras, and Tosh Plumley says he flew Johnny Rosselli from Florida to Dallas when he was supposed to be in bed in Vegas.

And this is why the CIA Operational Files for William Harvey, John Rosselli, Carl Jenkins, Felix Rodriguez, Chi Chi Quentero and others are not available, as they document both the cover jobs as well as the black wet ops that they were involved in, especially in November 1963.

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