Thursday, July 25, 2024

November 22, 1963 2pm EST

November 22, 1963 2 pm EST

To begin at the beginning, it was a cool, soft day in the fall when I was at 12 year old sitting in a 7th grade St. Joe's school class looking out the window at the leaves falling when the principle, a nun, came on the public address system and said the President had been shot. School would be let out early, even if it was only an hour early..

I walked the five blocks home through my East Camden, NJ neighborhood and since both my parents were working I went into the backyard to play, climbing on the wheeping willow tree and swinging on its branches when the phone in the house rang. I ran in the back door and picked up the wall phone in the kitchen . 

It was my father, a Lieutenant in the Camden Police Department, who said, "The President has been killed. Stay where you are and don't leave the yard. We don't know what this is all about."

I stopped and thought about it for a few moments, wondering how the murder of a President could remotely affect a school kid climbing a tree in his backyard. 

And I'm still wondering, even though I know it has.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

JFKCountercoup Update

 JFKCountercoup Update

Many thanks to the few longtime readers of this blog who inquired as to my health and situation with the absence of posts over the pa=st few months. I am okay, just stuck in a serious funk over the deaths of a number of close friends and associates, working a few weeks with the military, and a number of other things that I won't get I into.u

For starters, the deaths of one of my primary JFK mentors Dr. Cyril Wexht was not unexpected. He lived a good 93 years, the same as my mother, and as I predicted in my blog post Why CAPA is Kaput, there is no one capable of filling Dr. Wecht's shoes. CAPA secretary, Glenda DeVaney, who took over the position from me, and at my recommendation, has assumed the chair of CAPA director, even though she is not a researcher, has never been to the Archives, hasn't read the books and only gets her information from the internet. She also lied when she claimed the CAPA board voted me off the board for not supporting or promoting CAPA, when I was the person who was instrumental in organizing CAPA after the dissolution of COPA, and am the single person who has done more than anyone else to support and promote the organization I started. There was no vote by the CAPA board to remove me because I asked them and they were never asked to vote, and they would not have voted me off if a vote was taken.

DeVaney also lied when she posted that the CAPA board voted her chair to replace the late, great Dr. Wechet, when  there never was such a vote.  The bottom line is CAPA is Kaput, and I will be writing a brief history of both COPA and CAPA with all the sad details as soon as other more important things are taken care of.

I was honored to be the only independent researcher asked to submit an affidavit in support of the Mary Ferrell - vs. President Biden and NARA suit filed in San Francisco Federal Court. When I asked Bill Simpich, one of the attorneys involved, why? He said because I was one of the few researchers who filed document requests to NARA under the JFK Act, rather than FOIA, that most others do. 

As an example he cited my calling attention to the head of the JFK Collection at NARA to the reference in Gerald Blaine's book The Kennedy Detail, that he had boxes of Secret Service documents under his bed, including the missing Tampa Advance Report that he wrote. When NARA obtained the documents from Blaine they sent me some 30 pages, including the Tampa Advance Report, that I read closely looking for reasons the SS destroyed their official copy AFTER Congress passed the JFK Act in 1992.

The things that stood out were the fact that they had report of an anti-Castro Cuban plot to kill the President during the motorcade, and that the SS had enlisted the cooperation  of the Tampa Sheriff's office to supply officers with shotguns to man every overpass and snipers with high powered rifles with scopes to the rooftops of major skyscrapers. Of course that wasn't done in  Dallas as Sheriff Bill Decker had his deputies stand down and stand out on the street to observe the Assassination and be the first into the TSBD afterwards.

That was what I was thinking after the sniper attack on Donald Trump. 

While some associates have questioned my working for the military helping to train Army Reservists before they are deployed overseas, I enjoy the work and feel it is my duty and service in support of our national security.

And while working with first class snipers a few years ago, I learned that the only way to counter a sniper is for another sniper to shoot him. Knowing that, the third class sniper with a third class disposable weapon in the TSBD sixth floor window, placed boxes of books along the window sill,  not to use as an arm rest, but to protect him from return fire that never came.

I have also been asked to compare my Covert Operational Personality profile to the accused and killed sniper, though it doesn't appear he fits the profile, not using an alias,  no P.O. box, foreign language or travel, but despite knowing everything about Oswald within a few hours of the Assassination, we still don't have a detailed and accurate portrait of this kid.

It is also necessary to report that the Supreme Court decided not to review the AARC v. CIA case requesting the CIA's Operational Files on D.H. Byrd, the owner of the TSBD at the time of the Assassination, his African safari hunting partner Werner Von Alveslaben, and USAF Gen. James Doolittle, the primary author of the Doolittle Report on CIA Covert Operations commissioned by President Eisenhower. 

The Mary Ferrell v. Biden and NARA case continues to be active, with appeals filed opposing the judge's decision to drop the charges against President BIden, but his rulings to require the NARA to release ALL Congressional records, and force them to produce a clear guide to the JFK Collection are major victories that we must ensure will be followed.

And finally, at the request of numerous others, I am preparing my own book, based mainly on my JFKCountercoup blog posts over the past few decades, along with some new material, and if I can't find a publisher I will have it printed myself, with a tentative working title of - JFKCountercoup - How JFK was Killed and How they Got Away With it.

Thank you for your patience, and I hope to be back in the Deep End of JFK Research big-time, soon.