Thursday, July 25, 2024

November 22, 1963 2pm EST

November 22, 1963 2 pm EST

To begin at the beginning, it was a cool, soft day in the fall when I was at 12 year old sitting in a 7th grade St. Joe's school class looking out the window at the leaves falling when the principle, a nun, came on the public address system and said the President had been shot. School would be let out early, even if it was only an hour early..

I walked the five blocks home through my East Camden, NJ neighborhood and since both my parents were working I went into the backyard to play, climbing on the wheeping willow tree and swinging on its branches when the phone in the house rang. I ran in the back door and picked up the wall phone in the kitchen . 

It was my father, a Lieutenant in the Camden Police Department, who said, "The President has been killed. Stay where you are and don't leave the yard. We don't know what this is all about."

I stopped and thought about it for a few moments, wondering how the murder of a President could remotely affect a school kid climbing a tree in his backyard. 

And I'm still wondering, even though I know it has.


Greg Giorgio said...

The collective trauma of those events reverberates through us all. It is not only the pure, visceral effect on our bodies and minds
but just as sure the deleterious effects the JFK Assassination has had of what remains in the U.S. and the global body politic.
When others ask about my interest in the ongoing developments in the research of the case I always tell them we are surviving this event in an altered state. We seek truth to get back to some semblance of what we thought to be normal before 11/22/63. We seek
truth, justice to escape what researcher Richard Bartholomew calls the unreasonable authority imposed by the forces of the
“assassinocracy.” Keep up the good fight and good work, Bill.
Greg Giorgio

ecoecho said...

did you listen to the Leslie Sharp interview on Opperman Report, February, 2024?