PLAZA HOMILY - A Spiritual Dimension to the Assassination

Father Albert Pereria and the Catholic missal used to swear in LBJ as president

Father Albert Pereria and the Catholic missal used to swear in LBJ as president
There is
a spiritual dimension to what occurred at Dealey Plaza, as brought out by a
number of priests who became entwined in the assassination drama.
The term
“propaganda” stems from the department of the Vatican responsible for the propagation
of the faith.
On JFK’s last morning on earth he woke up at the Fort Worth Hotel, and took off his St. Christopher and Miraculous medals while he took a shower, and acidently left them there, where they were retrieved by a Secret Service agent, to be returned to JFK, but not before he was killed.
A Jesuit priest Father Quintin Walsh instigated my interest in politics by teaching a 1968 political science class at Camden Catholic high school. Walsh chain smoked, drank wine and cursed frequently while making us read the classic Greek and European philosophers and requiring us to write a constitution for a fictional country. I chose a dictator, a benevolent one.
The Cambridge spy ring was run and controlled for many years by Theodore Maly, a Catholic priest. Cambridge had been a recruiting ground for centuries, as in 1581 Robert Persons, a Catholic cleric and head of the Jesuit order wrote that, "At Cambridge I have insinuated a certain priest into the very university, under the guise of scholar or gentleman commoner," who was a successful recruiter.
On JFK’s last morning on earth he woke up at the Fort Worth Hotel, and took off his St. Christopher and Miraculous medals while he took a shower, and acidently left them there, where they were retrieved by a Secret Service agent, to be returned to JFK, but not before he was killed.
Federal Judge Sarah Hughes arrived aboard Air Force One to administer the oath
of office for the President, they frantically looked for a bible, and instead
found a Catholic prayer missal on the table next to the president’s bed and
used that instead – “so help me God.”
then handed the missal to someone and left the plane, as LBJ said, “Now let’s
get airborne.”
missal disappeared for some years and then turned up in Texas and is now on display
at the LBJ Library.
It is
believed the missal was a gift to the president from Father Albert Pereira, who
administered to the small parish of St. Stephen the Martyr in Millersburg,
Virginia, population 1,000, where JFK and his family spent their weekends away
from Washington. Millersburg is
considered “horse country,” where Jackie and the kids would ride while the
president relaxed or played golf. At first they leased an estate called Glenn
Ora, where RFK would also visit, and where Desmond FitzGerald said he often
called RFK to discuss covert operations against Castro, including CIA plots to
kill Castro. Father Pereira became a spiritual advisor to both JFK and RFK and
presided over the baptism of some of RFK’s kids.
With the
president in attendance, every Sunday in October and November 1963, the church
was renovated to include an area enshrined in bullet proof glass and a direct
telephone line to the White House.
When the
Kennedys arrived in Millersburg in 1961 the small but wealthy town was segregated,
as was most of the South, and when one of the Kennedy’s black servants was
refused service at a local lunch counter, word got around and the local NAACP
planned a sit in. Father Pereira then went to all of the local business owners
and convinced them that it would be best for them to end the segregation and to
serve blacks, and they agreed to cooperate, ending the threat of a sit-in.
So it is
believed that JFK’s Catholic missal, used to swear in LBJ as president, was a
gift to the president from Father Pereira, who died on March 8, 2004 at the age
of 88. The son of a carpenter, one of eleven children born on May 12, 1915 in
Funchal, Maderia island, a territory of Portugal, he came to the United States
as a child in 1920 and attended St. Charles seminary in Baltimore, where my
uncle Skip Haynes was also trained as a priest.
it is not believed that Father Pereira is related to Victor Pereira, Jim
Braden’s partner in crime, but he could be.]
The Cambridge spy ring was run and controlled for many years by Theodore Maly, a Catholic priest. Cambridge had been a recruiting ground for centuries, as in 1581 Robert Persons, a Catholic cleric and head of the Jesuit order wrote that, "At Cambridge I have insinuated a certain priest into the very university, under the guise of scholar or gentleman commoner," who was a successful recruiter.
Just as
the Russian Orthodox Church inside the Soviet Union was considered a branch of
the KGB, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia was embraced by the CIA,
and financed in part by the CIA's Catherwood Foundation.
The use of refugees for intelligence purposes is older than the CIA as Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, as head of intelligence for the German Armies on the Eastern Front, he established Operation Wringer, to debrief refugees from Russia and Eastern European countries. It was reported that they sometimes obtained the best intelligence from children.
Obtaining intelligence from exiled refugees from Communist countries was incorporated into the founding of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), led by Leo Cherne, a close personal friend of Conservative commentator and spy William F. Buckley, Jr.. From Russia former Marine defector wrote to Cherne and the IRC on three occassions seeking aide in returning home.
In Dallas there were two Orthodox churches, the St. Nicholas parish, which was composed entirely of exiled White Russians who took measures to prevent their infiltration by communists agents, and St. Seraphim, which catered to Russians and Orthodox from other countries, including Mexico.
And while Lee Harvey Oswald’s family was under the care of exiled White Russians in Dallas, his daughter June Lee was baptized in that Church by Father Dimitri Royster. Royster joined the Army in 1943 and served as a Japanese interpreter on the staff of General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines and Japan.
The use of refugees for intelligence purposes is older than the CIA as Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, as head of intelligence for the German Armies on the Eastern Front, he established Operation Wringer, to debrief refugees from Russia and Eastern European countries. It was reported that they sometimes obtained the best intelligence from children.
Obtaining intelligence from exiled refugees from Communist countries was incorporated into the founding of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), led by Leo Cherne, a close personal friend of Conservative commentator and spy William F. Buckley, Jr.. From Russia former Marine defector wrote to Cherne and the IRC on three occassions seeking aide in returning home.
In Dallas there were two Orthodox churches, the St. Nicholas parish, which was composed entirely of exiled White Russians who took measures to prevent their infiltration by communists agents, and St. Seraphim, which catered to Russians and Orthodox from other countries, including Mexico.
And while Lee Harvey Oswald’s family was under the care of exiled White Russians in Dallas, his daughter June Lee was baptized in that Church by Father Dimitri Royster. Royster joined the Army in 1943 and served as a Japanese interpreter on the staff of General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines and Japan.
My late
uncle Father Steven “Skip” Haynes, became a Catholic priest late in life, after
working at the Philadelphia Bulletin newspaper for over 20 years. After I attended his first mass at a
Baltimore, Maryland seminary, he sent me a homily he wrote and delivered at a
later mass, one that described my work as a JFK assassination researcher.
A homily
is “a religious discourse that is intended primarily for spiritual edification
rather than doctrinal instruction; a sermon.”
Skip, as we called him, said that the work I was doing in trying to get the
release of all of the government’s records on the assassination of President
Kennedy was very much like the biblical story of the blind men and the elephant,
in which each of the blind men described a different part of the elephant in
very different terms – but each accurately described a portion of the body.
In a
sense what we are doing now in reviewing the most recently released records
from the Archives is much like that of the blind men and the elephant, as we
feel out and learn more about how JFK was killed, putting together the pieces
to the puzzle of the elephant in the archives. Which is very similar to what
are doing by reading and reassembling the government’s records on the

Douglas, author of “JFK-And the
Unspeakable – Why He Died and Why it Matters,” was inspired to write his
book by his correspondence with a Catholic priest – Thomas Merton, a monk whose
correspondence with Douglas led to the idea of the “unspeakable.”
In 1961 Douglas began a correspondence with Merton, then at the monastery of the Abbey of Gehsemani in Kentucky. According to Douglas, "'The Unspeakable,' is a term Thomas Merton coined at the heart of the sixties after JFK's assassination - in the midst of escalating Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, and the further assassinations of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. In each of those soul-shaking events Merton sensed an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe."
In 1965 Merton wrote: Öne of the awful acts of our age is the evidence that the world is stricken indeed, stricken to the very core of its being by the presence of the Unspeakable. Those who are at present so eager to be reconciled with the world at any price must take care not to be reconciled with it under this particular aspect: as the nest of the Unspeakable. This is what too few are willing to see."
In 1961 Douglas began a correspondence with Merton, then at the monastery of the Abbey of Gehsemani in Kentucky. According to Douglas, "'The Unspeakable,' is a term Thomas Merton coined at the heart of the sixties after JFK's assassination - in the midst of escalating Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, and the further assassinations of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. In each of those soul-shaking events Merton sensed an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe."
In 1965 Merton wrote: Öne of the awful acts of our age is the evidence that the world is stricken indeed, stricken to the very core of its being by the presence of the Unspeakable. Those who are at present so eager to be reconciled with the world at any price must take care not to be reconciled with it under this particular aspect: as the nest of the Unspeakable. This is what too few are willing to see."
"Ït is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said," Merton wrote, "the void that gets into the language of public and official declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss."
As Douglas explain it, "By overlooking the deep changes in Kennedy's life and the forces behind his death, I contributed to a national climate of denial. Our collective denial of the obvious, in the setting up of Oswald and his transparent silencing by Ruby, made possible the Dealey Plaza cover-up. The success of the cover-up was the indispensable foundation for the subsequent murders of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy by the same forces at work in our government - and in ourselves...The cover-up of all four murders, each leading into the next, was based, first of all, on denial - not the government's but our own. The unspeakable is not far away."
Douglas dedicates
his book to Vincent Salandria, the Philadelphia attorney who adamantly fought Arlen
Spector, and then, before he died, had lunch with and buried the hatchet with a
mutual understanding of what really happened, not only at Dealey Plaza, but
with the cover up of the true facts of the assassination.
Richard Beymer, best known for his starring roles in The Longest Day and West
Side Story, is mentioned in some of the recently released records because he
contacted the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, a phone call that was picked up by
a CIA listening post. Like Oswald, Beymer wanted to travel to Cuba, contacted
Sylvia Duran and was said to have been at the Twist Party that Oswald allegedly
attended. Beymer was accompanied by another Yankee Gringo, Bradley Pierce, who
at the time owned a New York City bar, but is now Father Bradely, a Catholic
Odio and John Martino, both implicated in the assassination, were advised by
Father McChann, a Catholic priest assigned to cater to the Cuban refugee
community in Dallas and New Orleans.
Odio confessed
to McChann that Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of the President, had
visited her with two Cubans, a fact that she also told her father about in a
letter she wrote to him in a Cuban prison, where he was incarcerated for
harboring an assassin who planned to kill Castro.
sharing a stage in Dallas with John Martino, who was promoting his book “I Was
Castro’s Prisoner,” Father Machann disappeared shortly after the assassination
and surfaced at a Catholic school in New Orleans, and cooperated with the Secret
Service in questioning Odio about Oswald and the Cubans.
In New Orleans Machann went to Loyola University and visited Dr. Agustin Guitart, a physics professor and associate of the Cubans arrested with Oswald, who attended the court hearing.
MacChann then left the priesthood and moved to Thailand.
In New Orleans Machann went to Loyola University and visited Dr. Agustin Guitart, a physics professor and associate of the Cubans arrested with Oswald, who attended the court hearing.
MacChann then left the priesthood and moved to Thailand.
In an Irish
Echo (November 2017) article about his survey of the recently released and
previously secret files on the assassination, Professor James Kelleher wrote
about what he calls “junk” among the recently released records. Kelleher wrote:
“I also found a significant number of documents
that left me questioning why the documents were included in a records release
dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy, and why it was necessary
to have kept them secret for so many years. Some of the documents appear to be
totally unrelated to the assassination and deal with matters such as medical
care reimbursements for Cuban exiles working with the CIA. Such documents offer
little more value than that of wasting the researcher’s time.”
there are many documents unrelated to the assassination among the recently
released records, such as the many records on Martin Luther King, Jr., civil
rights and anti-war demonstrations and those considered and labeled NBR-Not
Believed Relevant by the Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB), as Judge
John Tunheim recently noted, many of these records are indeed relevant to the assassination.
instance the documents on Collins Radio were labeled NBR by the ARRB but since
Collins Radio made the radios and monitored the Air Force One radio
communications, the recently released records are relevant in that they reflect
the close association Collins Radio shared with other major defense contractors
such as LTV and General Dynamics.
As for
the example Professor Keheller gives – the records on the medical expenses of exiled
Cubans working for the CIA, they reflect an important part of the intelligence
network responsible for what happened at Dealey Plaza.
Kim Philby knew about CIA’s use of ostensibly philanthropic foundations to
finance covert operations, such as the Catherwood Fund, the American people
didn’t know about it until the Ramparts magazine expose. When I first learned about
the Catherwood Fund being a CIA conduit I went to the newspaper archives and
read all of the news reports about its activities, and was not surprised to see
that the CIA, through the Catherwood Fund, established organizations such as
the Cuban Aid Relief to assist refugees.
since most if not all of the Cuban refugees who worked with the CIA were
Catholic, it wasn’t surprising to see the CIA’s financial support of Catholic
Welfare and the funding of a number of medical clinics to cater to the Cuban
refugees in Miami, New Orleans and Dallas.
Just as
CIA agents and operatives use CIA connected lawyers, when they need one, they
also use CIA dentists and doctors, and hence, the CIA supported medical clinics
that catered to the refugees is relevant to the assassination, in that it is a
branch of the network that is responsible for the murder of the president.
A Cuban
in New Orleans Luis Rebel Nunes, used a laundry truck borrowed from the
Catholic Church relief society to remove the arms and ammunition in the Houma
Bunker raid shortly before the Bay of Pigs, a truck that was also said to be at
Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination.
In Miami, shortly after the assassination, Dr. Jose Ignorzio, the chief of clinical psychology for the CIA financed Catholic Welfare Service, contacted the White House to inform the new administration that the accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had met directly with Cuban ambassador Armas when he was in Mexico City, a story also propagated by associates of Sylvia Duran.
That Oswald was the assassin and Castro was behind the assassination were very detailed and elaborate black propaganda operations, - that failed, but because they failed they give us some insight into the network that was responsible for what happened at Dealey Plaza.
So there is hope, and the belief that the assassination is not an unsolvable crime that can't be understood, but thanks in part to the release of the once secret records, we can put the pieces of the Dealey Plaza puzzle together and figure it out to a legal and moral certainty.
Martin Luther King, Jr., who was inspired to make civil rights a part of his ministry, once gave a speech on non-violent protests to a conference of Quakers in which he quoted an old Baptist minister who didn’t have command of the King’s English, but got his point across when he said: “Let judgement rain down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream. Lord, we ain’t what we want to be, we ain’t what we ought to be, we aint’ what we wanna be, but thank God we ain’t what we were.”
That Oswald was the assassin and Castro was behind the assassination were very detailed and elaborate black propaganda operations, - that failed, but because they failed they give us some insight into the network that was responsible for what happened at Dealey Plaza.
So there is hope, and the belief that the assassination is not an unsolvable crime that can't be understood, but thanks in part to the release of the once secret records, we can put the pieces of the Dealey Plaza puzzle together and figure it out to a legal and moral certainty.
Martin Luther King, Jr., who was inspired to make civil rights a part of his ministry, once gave a speech on non-violent protests to a conference of Quakers in which he quoted an old Baptist minister who didn’t have command of the King’s English, but got his point across when he said: “Let judgement rain down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream. Lord, we ain’t what we want to be, we ain’t what we ought to be, we aint’ what we wanna be, but thank God we ain’t what we were.”
In a
sense that’s where we are, much more wiser than we were in 1963, but we don’t
yet have a clear picture of the elephant in the archives that tells us what
really happened at Dealey Plaza that day.
Bill why did you leave out Father Dimitri name your much Like Wikipedia leaving out his connections to Army intelligence and Col Boris t Pash https://orthodoxwiki.org/Dmitri_(Royster)_of_Dallas
Well done. Huber important and Dimitri a strange convert. Story is packed with great stuff.
Well done. Huber important and Dimitri a strange convert. Story is packed with great stuff.
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