Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My Personal Journey from 11.22.63

 My personal journey from November 22, 1963 till now. I will be posting my relevant recollections periodically with this being the first MPS - My Personal Story 1 

NOVEMBER 22, 1963 1:30 pm EST  

Sitting in a St. Joseph's grammar school 4th or 5th grade classroom at the time of the assassination, the principal came on the intercom and announced the president had been shot. When it was confirmed he was dead, they let us out early. 

I walked the six blocks home to my house on Garden Avenue in East Camden, and began swinging on a branch of the weaping willow tree in the backyard when the phone rang. I ran to the backdoor and into the kitchen and answered the phone on the wall. 

It was my father, then a Camden police lieutenant, who told me not to leave the yard until my mother got home from her job as a hostess in the executive dining room at RCA. 

He then said, to stay put, "the president has been killed and we don't know what this is all about." 

I then wondered to myself how the murder of the president could affect an eleven year old boy playing in his backyard? 

And now, sixty years later, we still don't know what it's all about. 

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