Air Force Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay and Arthur Collins of Collins Radio
One of the prerequisites of a coup d'etat is to control communications.

Air Force Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay and Arthur Collins of Collins Radio
One of the prerequisites of a coup d'etat is to control communications.
recently receiving three requests for information on General Curtis LeMay
concerning his whereabouts on November 22, 1963 and the references to him on the
Air Force One radio transmission tapes, I decided to bring that issue back to
the table, so it here goes.
starters, I received three cassette tapes of the AF1 radio transmissions from
Larry Howard at the old Assassination Information Center on the third floor of
the West End Mall in Dallas, and learned they had originated from the LBJ
Library in Texas in the late 1970s.
It took
me a few months but I patiently transcribed them and noted how highly edited
they were, and they did not include most of the quotes from transcripts made
available to Theodore White (Making of a
President 1964), William Manchester (The
Death of a President) and Pierre Salinger (On Orders of My President). White and Manchester were permitted to
read a transcript at the LBJ White House, while Salinger says he obtained his
copy of the transcript from the JFK Library, and each make references to
aspects of the tape that are not on the existing recording, as Vincent
Salandria called attention to many years ago.
Holland also wrote a book The Kennedy
Assassination Tapes that quotes excerpts from the Air Force One tapes but
fails to mention the most significant aspects on the recordings – especially
the repeated references to “Liberty Station,” which is mis-identified in the
official LBJ Library transcript as the White House, when it is actually the Collins
Radio company relay station in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Holland, who also worked with the Miller Center on the Presidential Recordings
project, had secretaryies compose the transcripts that he used, I transcribed
the three cassette tapes from the LBJ Library myself, and made them available
on the internet for everyone to review, as I tried to do.
Library cassettes begin with an introduction from a White House Communications
Agency (WHCA) officer who notes that this is an edited version of the tapes
made for public consumption, and it does include some riveting conversations,
but not the ones quoted by the three writers. They were apparently given a
transcript of the unedited version that they quote from. Neither the unedited
tape or transcript are available today from the LBJ Library or the JFK Library,
where Salinger said he obtained his and
returned it. It is now missing.
years later, two identical reel to reel tapes of the Air Force One radio
transmissions were discovered among the effects of General Chester Clifton, the
President’s military aide who was aboard Air Force One when the tapes were
One of
the two tapes was put up for auction by a Philadelphia auction company (Raab)
and the other donated to the National Archives, who put it on line for anyone
to hear.
I made a
copy of the Clifton tape as well as a transcript, noting that while it is
slightly – twenty minutes or so longer than the LBJ Library cassette tapes, the
Clifton tape is still highly edited, as acoustical forensic expert Ed Primeau
confirmed when he reviewed it.
I first
heard of Primeau on a PBS news radio broadcast when he was consulted as a
forensic audio expert in a Florida murder that involved a cell phone recording.
I found him over the internet, emailed him, and talked with him on the phone.
He was very interested in the Air Force One radio transmissions, and so I sent
him a copy of my combined transcripts of the two tapes, a copy of the LBJ
Library tape and a link to the NARA Clifton tape and asked him if he could
combine them as I had combined the transcripts.
Primeau, with the help of his small staff, not only combined them, but cleaned
the combined version of static and noise so it is the most complete and
clearest of the various versions of the Air Force One radio transmission tapes.
I told
the story of the two versions of the Air Force One radio transmission tapes at
the Wecht Institure of Forensic Pathology and Law at Duquesne University in
Pittsburgh in November 2013, where the Primeau version of the combined and
cleaned up tape premiered. I did a followup presentation at the Assassination Archives
and Research Center (AARC) conference in Bethesda the following year.
I was
also proud to receive the 2013 Mary Ferrell Award for historical research for
my work on the Air Force One radio tapes, and am proud to share that award with
Ed Primeau, who did all of his work Pro Bono, saying that it was an historical
there are a half-dozen conversations on the Clifton tape that are not on the
officially released LBJ Library version, the one thing that most people seem
interested in are the references to General Curtis LeMay, the Air Force Chief
of Staff.
the two (three including the pilot’s) high frequency single sideband radios
aboard Air Force One, another radio on the Cabinet plane over the Pacific,
there were a number of base stations hooked up to the same system – one in White
House Communications Agency base at their suite at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel, the
White House Situation Room, another at the chief of the Secret Service in the
Executive Office Building, the SAM – Strategic Air Mission (Andrews AFB), Strategic
Air Command (SAC – Omaha) another at the Pentagon and the “Liberty” relay
station at the headquarters of Collins Radio, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the
I write
about these things in more detail at:
first reference to LeMay comes from a Colonel Hornbuckle, OPS, who expresses a concern from the Chief of Staff (Gen.
LeMay?) as to whether President Johnson and the President’s body were on board
In the
course of multiple conversations that will be discussed elsewhere, a Colonel
Dorman interrupts the proceedings with the announcement that he is General
LeMay’s aide and needs to get an urgent message to the General, who was then
aboard an special Air Force executive jet bound for Washington D.C. from
- Andrews Sideband. Sir?
- Andrews Sideband. Sir?
- This is Colonel Dorman, General LeMay’s aide.
- Right.
- General LeMay is in a C-140
- The last three numbers are 497 SAM 497
- 497 last three numbers.
- Right. He is in bound. His code name is Grandson, and I want to talk to him.
- Grandson. Okay sir, we'll see what we can do. We’re really busy with Air Force One right now.
- Okay. You don’t have the capability to work more than one?
- We're running Air Force One with two different frequencies.
- We're running two patches at once and that's all we can do.
- I see.
- What is your drop sir? Are you on the drop off the Washington switch?
- Yes. Either or seven, nine, two, two five.
- Seven Nine two two five.
- But if you can’t do it now it will be too late because he will be on the ground in a half hour.
- Okay, and what is your name again sir?
- Colonel Dorman. D-O-R-M-A-N
- Okay, I’ll get back to you...if we can get him right away sir.....
- Right.
- General LeMay is in a C-140
- The last three numbers are 497 SAM 497
- 497 last three numbers.
- Right. He is in bound. His code name is Grandson, and I want to talk to him.
- Grandson. Okay sir, we'll see what we can do. We’re really busy with Air Force One right now.
- Okay. You don’t have the capability to work more than one?
- We're running Air Force One with two different frequencies.
- We're running two patches at once and that's all we can do.
- I see.
- What is your drop sir? Are you on the drop off the Washington switch?
- Yes. Either or seven, nine, two, two five.
- Seven Nine two two five.
- But if you can’t do it now it will be too late because he will be on the ground in a half hour.
- Okay, and what is your name again sir?
- Colonel Dorman. D-O-R-M-A-N
- Okay, I’ll get back to you...if we can get him right away sir.....
We don’t
get to hear the message, though it might be on the unedited tape, but we do
know from the Andrews Air Force Base Log for November 22, 1963 that LeMay
requested a jet to pick him up at a Canadian base to return to Washington.
from LeMay family sources, the General was at a family lake cabin hunting or
fishing at the time of the assassination, and traveled to the Canadian base, as
it was the closest to where he was located.
In his
book "LeMay- The Life and Wars of
General Curtis LeMay," (Regnery History, 2009, first paperback
edition- 2011-page 356.) Warren Kozak writes, "On November 22, 1963, while
on a hunting trip in Michigan, Curtis LeMay heard that President Kennedy had
been assassinated in Dallas. He immediately flew back to Washington."
But then Kozak brings up the issue at hand and attempts to discount the idea of the assassination being part of a coup by saying, "LeMay remembered a lot of people in Washington worrying that the entire series of events might be some type of attempted coup, a theory he never took seriously. LeMay was just too practical and, knowing the military as he did, he believed the United States was the least susceptible country in the world to a military takeover "because the military profession is itself steeped in the tradition of civilian supremacy over the military... [and] the armed forces of the United States have repeatedly fostered and protected this principle."
LeMay's official biography (p.430, "Iron Eagle: The Turbulent Life of General Curtis LeMay," by Thomas M. Coffey) says he was visiting his wife's family in Michigan when the news arrived about JFK's assassination.
But then Kozak brings up the issue at hand and attempts to discount the idea of the assassination being part of a coup by saying, "LeMay remembered a lot of people in Washington worrying that the entire series of events might be some type of attempted coup, a theory he never took seriously. LeMay was just too practical and, knowing the military as he did, he believed the United States was the least susceptible country in the world to a military takeover "because the military profession is itself steeped in the tradition of civilian supremacy over the military... [and] the armed forces of the United States have repeatedly fostered and protected this principle."
LeMay's official biography (p.430, "Iron Eagle: The Turbulent Life of General Curtis LeMay," by Thomas M. Coffey) says he was visiting his wife's family in Michigan when the news arrived about JFK's assassination.
to the Andrews Air Force Base Log book turned over to the Assassinations
Records Review Board (ARRB), LeMay returned to Washington D.C. from Wiarton, a
Canadian military air base.
Andrews Log Book itself is strange as it only covers two shifts – the days
President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were killed, and was apparently ordered
destroyed because it was retrieved from the trash by an alert Andrews employee,
possibly a janitor – named Chuck Holmes.
official Records Identificantion File is labeled:
And the
relevant excerpt says:
COMMENTS: Special Log of Events found by Air Force civilian employee, Mr. Chuck Holmes, and transferred to ARRB by USAF. Cover stamped 1254 ATW Command Post.
COVER REMARKS: Special Unclassified
J.F.K. Assassination - 22 Nov. 63 & RFK Assassinations 5 June 68.
1254th ATW Command Post
9 pages long, it is written in long hand, apparently by the duty officer at the time who thought it wise to begin a special log when it was learned the President was assassinated, and the same log was filed away but used again when RFK was killed.
It begins at 1400 hours [2 pm] when “Col. Hornbuckle Heard News Report on the President being shot at Dallas. Put Wing on Alert.”
Twenty minutes later, at 1420 [2:20], “092488 & 2493 CANX. 4197 Set-up
To Dept To Plu Gen Lemay at Toronto, Canada. Trip #1602
Change Gen Lemays Plu from Toronto To Wairton Canada 44.45N 0981.06W
1625 [4:25pm] 24197 Gen Lemay Dept Wairton 1604 ETA DCA 1715, Driver & Aide at DCA ETA changed 1710, Secy Zuckert Will Meet Lemay at ADW. (notified AC f t )
1700 [5:00pm] =09 Gen Lemay Will land DCA NOT ADW……
COMMENTS: Special Log of Events found by Air Force civilian employee, Mr. Chuck Holmes, and transferred to ARRB by USAF. Cover stamped 1254 ATW Command Post.
COVER REMARKS: Special Unclassified
J.F.K. Assassination - 22 Nov. 63 & RFK Assassinations 5 June 68.
1254th ATW Command Post
9 pages long, it is written in long hand, apparently by the duty officer at the time who thought it wise to begin a special log when it was learned the President was assassinated, and the same log was filed away but used again when RFK was killed.
It begins at 1400 hours [2 pm] when “Col. Hornbuckle Heard News Report on the President being shot at Dallas. Put Wing on Alert.”
Twenty minutes later, at 1420 [2:20], “092488 & 2493 CANX. 4197 Set-up
To Dept To Plu Gen Lemay at Toronto, Canada. Trip #1602
Change Gen Lemays Plu from Toronto To Wairton Canada 44.45N 0981.06W
1625 [4:25pm] 24197 Gen Lemay Dept Wairton 1604 ETA DCA 1715, Driver & Aide at DCA ETA changed 1710, Secy Zuckert Will Meet Lemay at ADW. (notified AC f t )
1700 [5:00pm] =09 Gen Lemay Will land DCA NOT ADW……
Now Air
Force Secretary Zuckert is an interesting character himself, who I address in
an article on CIAir
[ ]
[ ]
across Lake Huron from Michigan is Wiarton, where there is an airport that had
a 6,000 foot long runway that could handle jet planes. Wiarton, Canada is a
community in Bruce County, Ontario, at the western end of Colpoys Bay, an inlet
off Georgian Bay, on the Bruce Peninsula. The community is part of the town of
South Bruce Peninsula, Ontario.
departed Wiarton at 4:04pm (Eastern) and arrived in Washington at 5:12 pm and
some think it significant that he disobeyed Air Force Sec. Zuckert's orders to
meet him at Andrews Air Force Base before Air Force One arrived with JFK's
body. Instead, LeMay insisted his military plane land at the civilian
Washington National Airport.
who put LeMay close to Bethesda do so to boister the theory that LeMay attended
the autopsy and may have had a hand in directing it. Paul O’Conner, a Navy
technician who was there recalled one of the autopsy doctors being annoyed that
someone was smoking a cigar, a LeMay trademark.
There is also speculation that LeMay could be the four star general who directed one of the autopsy doctors not to probe the back wound, or conduct a forensic autopsy but just, by law, determine the cause of death – gunshot wound to the head.
While LeMay’s name is not on the list of those who were officially present at the autopsy, there are those on the list who were not there so the list is not complete.
There's still the question of what was the important message Col. Dorman wanted to get to Gen. LeMay before he landed in Washington and both Colonel Carl G. Hornbuckle or Colonel George Stanton Dorman could tell us. But Hornbuckle died in 1997 in Texas, while Dorman was killed in action on 4 August, 1969 in an air battle near Ch Lai, South Vietnam.
There is also speculation that LeMay could be the four star general who directed one of the autopsy doctors not to probe the back wound, or conduct a forensic autopsy but just, by law, determine the cause of death – gunshot wound to the head.
While LeMay’s name is not on the list of those who were officially present at the autopsy, there are those on the list who were not there so the list is not complete.
There's still the question of what was the important message Col. Dorman wanted to get to Gen. LeMay before he landed in Washington and both Colonel Carl G. Hornbuckle or Colonel George Stanton Dorman could tell us. But Hornbuckle died in 1997 in Texas, while Dorman was killed in action on 4 August, 1969 in an air battle near Ch Lai, South Vietnam.
When I
learned that Col. Dorman’s widow lived nearby outside of Trenton, N.J., I found
her phone number and called her. I told her that her husband’s voice is on the
Air Force One radio tapes that I was transcribing, and asked her about him.
Does she
remember what happened on November 22, 1963?
“Of course, how could I forget that day?” she said.
At the time she worked at the White House Historical Office, responsible for the renovations of the building that were overseen by the President’s wife and first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, while her husband was the aide to Air Force General Curtis LeMay, the chief of staff of the Air Force.
On the day of the assassination, Mary Dorman recalled that with news of the assassination of the President, “My husband called me at the White House and told me to get home immediately. I was at the White House Historical Association office. There were only three of us and the man in charge, his name was Mr. Castro, he pulled he shades and we all knelt and prayed.”
“We lived at Fort Myer on General’s Row, so going past Arlington National cemetery, I stopped at the Chapel to pray. The news was so fresh nobody knew, so I knelt and prayed and didn’t know whether to tell them.”
“I went home and I remember sitting around crying,” she relates. “I went down to the White House when they brought the body there, and it was a mob scene. Everything was in chaos. Everybody was devastated.”
Did she did discuss the assassination with her husband?
Although Colonel Dorman was very busy that weekend, she said, “I did talk to my husband about it, but I can’t remember what he said. We talked about it, and I think there was a sense of fear, is this the beginning of something, of what?”
“For the most part we watched the stupid tube and cried. I was in the kitchen cooking, but maybe he told my sons, George Jr., William, and Robert and they remember what he had to say about it.”
“Of course, how could I forget that day?” she said.
At the time she worked at the White House Historical Office, responsible for the renovations of the building that were overseen by the President’s wife and first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, while her husband was the aide to Air Force General Curtis LeMay, the chief of staff of the Air Force.
On the day of the assassination, Mary Dorman recalled that with news of the assassination of the President, “My husband called me at the White House and told me to get home immediately. I was at the White House Historical Association office. There were only three of us and the man in charge, his name was Mr. Castro, he pulled he shades and we all knelt and prayed.”
“We lived at Fort Myer on General’s Row, so going past Arlington National cemetery, I stopped at the Chapel to pray. The news was so fresh nobody knew, so I knelt and prayed and didn’t know whether to tell them.”
“I went home and I remember sitting around crying,” she relates. “I went down to the White House when they brought the body there, and it was a mob scene. Everything was in chaos. Everybody was devastated.”
Did she did discuss the assassination with her husband?
Although Colonel Dorman was very busy that weekend, she said, “I did talk to my husband about it, but I can’t remember what he said. We talked about it, and I think there was a sense of fear, is this the beginning of something, of what?”
“For the most part we watched the stupid tube and cried. I was in the kitchen cooking, but maybe he told my sons, George Jr., William, and Robert and they remember what he had to say about it.”
Of her
three sons, I talked with George, Jr. who recalled being a young boy at the
time and watching the funeral of President Kennedy from a tree in Arlington
George Dorman, Jr. said that he didn’t know what the message was, “it probably
had something to do with the changing of the alert levels, their initial response
in preparation for the funeral, or where LeMay had to go next.”
Where would that be? I asked.
“Back to work,” said Dorman, “the office at the Pentagon,” or where ever LeMay went. Dorman said wherever LeMay went his father usually went with him, and the fact that he wasn’t with LeMay at the time of the assassination is itself something.
Where would that be? I asked.
“Back to work,” said Dorman, “the office at the Pentagon,” or where ever LeMay went. Dorman said wherever LeMay went his father usually went with him, and the fact that he wasn’t with LeMay at the time of the assassination is itself something.
familiar with how close a adjunct Colonel is to a General say that there is no
way Dorman would not be in constant contact with LeMay. The fact that Dorman
was having trouble getting a very important message to LeMay is – as Dorman’s son
noted, something in itself. It’s an indication Colonel Dorman is out of the
loop, much like Colonel Jiggs in Seven
Days in May.
The fact
that LeMay disobeyed a direct order from the Secretary of the Navy to land at
Andrews and meet him there, and instead landed at the commercial National
Airport, is also telling of something, though I’m not sure what. LeMay was a
pretty obstinate guy who pretty much did what he wanted.
George Dorman, Jr. also noters that the C-140 was a brand new plane at the time, and it was rare for LeMay to use that plane when he had a 707 – code named “Speckled Trout,” that he more frequently used.
George Dorman, Jr. also noters that the C-140 was a brand new plane at the time, and it was rare for LeMay to use that plane when he had a 707 – code named “Speckled Trout,” that he more frequently used.
LeMay, besides being Chief of Staff of the Air Force, whose code name was
Grandson, was a close, personal friend of Art Collins, founder of Collins
Radio, whose company made the sideband radios used on Air Force One and all SAC
bombers. LeMay was also a HAM radio buff who had his own radio and could
possibly have monitored the Air Force One radio transmissions if he had the
frequencies they used.
If the
assassination of President Kennedy was a covert intelligence operation and coup
d’etat, then those responsible conducted the successful operation according to
standard operating procedures, and all such communictions would have to be not
only monitored but controlled, according to Ed Ludwak’s “Coup d’etat – A Practical Handbook.”
Who had
the capability of doing that?
Art Collins was a key to the Communications Nexus, and General LeMay a pivitol
player in the Chain of Command.
BK NOTES: Since this is Christmas Eve, Happy
Holidays to everyone who follows this research and my writings on this subject.
Please support this work if you can:
According to the "Parrott memo", George H. W. Bush stayed also in the Sheraton Hotel at the same time, Google the "Parrott memo", the fake alibi call of George H. W. Bush to the FBI
SAM=Special Air Mission, not Strategic Air Mission
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