Walking the Razor's Edge - The Dutchman and the Barron

Walking the Razor’s Edge – The Dutchman and the Barron (2019) By Tommy and Hilde Wilkens
Walking the Razor’s Edge – The Dutchman and the Barron (2019) By Tommy and Hilde Wilkens
interested in the life of the Patsy, the accused assassin of President Kennedy –
Lee Harvey Oswald, knows all about George deMohrenschildt, the eccentric oil
geologist who patronized Oswald when he returned to Texas from the Soviet
Wilkens’ “Walking the Razor’s Edge” is chock full of new names, incidents and
deep background events that puts a lot of what we knew previously in context,
and what a context it is.
Razor’s Edge” title comes from the Somerset Maugham book of the same name, and
it’s no coincidence that Maugham was a secret British agent and spy as well as
novelist, and so was George deMohrenschildt.
after his third marriage deMohrenschildt and his wife took a walk about hike
through Central America and made a 8 mm home movie of their travels, which
included a stop at the remote training camp where the anti-Castro Cubans were
preparing for the Bay of Pigs. DeMohrenschildt showed the film at house
parties, one of which included CIA Dallas Domestic Contacts Division chief J.
Walton Moore, and another time Lee Harvey Oswald. Trying to locate that film
was the first request I made to the National Archives, but Marion Johnson, then
curator of the JFK collection, said they didn’t have it and didn’t know where
it was.
Wilkens got access to the extensive private papers of the late Willem Oltmans,
a Dutch journalist who befriended deMohrenschildt and probably learned more
about him than anyone, and they synthesize the extensive archives into the a
very well written, readable and concise text that adds a lot to the JFK
assassination story without getting into the acoustics, ballistics, films and
forensics that bogs down so many other researchers.
While I
thought this would be a quick read of rehashed material I was already familiar
with, I was quite shocked to learn what I have through Oltman’s perspective.
starters, if you believe the New York Times or any of the mainstream media
reports on Oltmans he was a money hungry third rate reporter who exaggerated and
promoted deMohrenschildt as the svengali behind the assassination for his own
profit, when in fact, as his papers reveal, he was a very thorough and
respected Dutch journalist who had previously worked as a foreign correspondent
in the Far East.
He worked
closely with his editors and NOS TV producers, and how he became entwined in
the JFK assassination story is a story in itself.
On March
8, 1964 Oltmans accidentally crossed paths with Lee Oswald’s mother Marguerite at
the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, and they sat next to each other on a flight to New
York, where Marguerite was to sell letters her son had written to her from
Russia to Esquire Magazine.
mentioned that she was disappointed Lee didn’t graduate from Arlington Heights
high school in Fort Worth, where he was enrolled when he enlisted in the
Marines on October 24, 1956, shortly after his birthday.
She told
Oltmans, “I have never been able to pinpoint it, but once Lee had been in the
Marine Corps for some time, there was a clear, noticeable change in my son. He
just acted strange, it seemed, and was so very secretive. Once he had left the
Marine Corps and gone to Russia, I was just sure as a mother who knows her son
that Lee was some sort of agent.”
Back in
the Netherlands, Oltmans told his editor about the chance meeting with Mrs.
Oswald, and Oltmans was assigned to return to the United States on a whirlwind tour with “The World Wonder Gerard Croiset,” also known as “The Amazing
Dutchman,” a clairvoyant, and the subject of a biography by Jack Harrison
Pollack (Doubleday), that had popularized him worldwide.
Croiset explains, “Everyone has the same gifts I have. Within me, they are a
bit more developed. Everyone is in contact with other people. I just feel these
contacts a bit more intensely.”
Wilkens notes, “Oltman’s personal notes tell of the incredible mind power that
Croiset displayed and how he himself would be awestruck by the accuracy of his
visions. Over and over, from one stop to the next, Croiset left people shocked
and astonished by his mental abilities.”
to police and private investigators,…Croiset had become a valuable asset in
locating missing persons and helping to solve murder cases. Law enforcement
agencies all over Europe and the United States and as far away as Japan had
called upon him to utilize his unusual powers. As with most paragnosts, he did
not solve every case. But many, many times, his visions proved to be correct
and helpful.”
returning to Europe from their American tour, on February 2, 1967, Croiset told
Oltmans that he had a very strong and clear vision concerning the assassination
of President Kennedy. “He explained that what he had seen was a man who was
behind the actions of Lee Harvey Oswald – someone with whom the accused assassin
had a very close friendship….even an intimate father-to-son relationship. This
individual had a double name with the letters “O” and “SCH” in it. He had
dealings with the oil world and was probably a geologist.”
vision was one of his clearest ever, Croiset told them. He had seen multiple
people shooting at Kennedy from opposite directions and seen a white car that
was positioned behind a wooden fence.”
mysterious man had ‘pushed’ Lee Harvey Oswald to set in motion this huge,
historical event for political purposes. He was, simply, the driving force
behind the killing.”
A month
later Oltmans returned to the United States on other business and stopped in
Texas to visit Mrs. Oswald on March 11, 1967. Without mentioning Croiset’s vision, Oltmans
asked Mrs. Oswald if Lee had a friendship with an older person in the leadup to
the assassination.
Of course
she immediately thought of de Mohresnschildt, and asked, “Why is this man
around my son so much and what did he want from Lee?....I have many times
wondered if this was a real friendship or was this man George de Mohresnchildt
just out to use Lee in some form?”
Mrs. Oswald
then called attention to de Mohrenschildt’s 118 pages of testimony before the
Warren Commission, and brought out a copy of a personal letter of condolence
from de Mohresnchildt to Mrs. Janet Lee (Bouvier) Auchincloss, the mother of
Jacqueline Kennedy, who deMohrenschildt knew personally.
“I have
always found this friendship between Lee and George de Mohrenschildt so very
strange and unusal,” Marguerite said, “How did my son fit in with this man? And
now a letter like this showing he knew Jackie Kennedy’s mother. It’s so very
strange. I just have a very strong feeling he has, in some way, put my son in
the position as he ened up, concerning the assassination of President Kennedy.”
after returning to Texas from the USSR with his Russian wife Marina and their
baby girl, Oswald obtained an apartment at 2300 Mercedes St., in Fort Worth,
and a job at Leslie welding company through the Texas Employment Commission and
the efforts of Mrs. Virginia Hale, wife of an FBI agent and mother to twin sons
who had attended Arlington Heights high school with Oswald.
It was
at the Mercedes Street apartment where George de Mohrenschildt visited the
Oswalds, accompanied by a friend Colonel Lawrence Orlov. For some reason de
Mohrenschildt at first introduced himself as George Bouhe, another wealthy
Russian expatriate who they said, “kept the files on newcomers.”
Orlov, we later learn, frequently played racket ball with J. Walton Moore, the
head of the Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts Division. Moore had known deMohrenschildt
since he first debriefed him on his return from Yougaslova in 1957, and
according to Wilkens, they often had dinner together.
The day
after their meeting the Oswalds visited the de Mohrenschildts for dinner, and
Oswald was introduced to the other White Russians in exile in the Dallas-Fort
Worth area, some of whom began to assist the Oswalds in various ways.
After de
Mohrenschildt obtained a oil geologist job in Haiti, in February 1963, he
arranged for a party at the home of some friends who worked at Magnolia Oil, a
party set up for the expressed purpose of introducing Oswald to Michael Paine,
who de Mohrenschildt thought expressed an ideology similar to Oswald.
Paine’s wealthy New England family was related to the Forbes and Cabots, his
father Lyman Paine was a founder of the Trotskyite communist party in the
United States, and he was known as a “cocktail communist.” Michaels Paines’
mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young had married Arthur Young, the eccentric
inventor of the Bell Helicopter, and he arranged for Michael to work as at the
Bell Helicopter plant in Texas.
I wish
Arthur Young were alive today so I could call him and tell him about Croiset
and his psychic abilities, as Young told me he was extremely interested in ESP.
And he would have enjoyed knowing another ESP event in relation to the
assassination, when his step son Michael Paine, at the very moment of the
assassination, was at the Bell Helicopter cafeteria talking with a co-worker about
political assassinations!
To me
those to ESP events are quite astonishing, but I don’t know what they mean. They
make me think of the fact that Dear Abby also expressed foreknowledge of the
assassination, but she had confidential confidants who tipped her off. Croiset and Paine are birds of a different feather.
Michael Paine
was apparently sick the night of the house party, but his wife Ruth H. Paine
met Marina and they became fast friends, while Lee met Volkmar Schmidt, who
told Oswald he thought right wing General Walker should be killed as Hitler should
have been before he got to powerful.
thereafter Oswald ordered the rifle in the mail under the Hidel alias, and had
Marina take a photo of him with the rifle, a pistol he also obtained through
the mail, and two communist publications he subscribed to, one being the
Militant, the official publication of the Trotskyite Party. On April 10, 1963
someone took a pot shot at General Walker through a window, and a few days
later, when deMohrenschildt and his wife visited Oswald for the last time
before leaving for Haiti, deMohresnchildt saw the rifle and kiddingly remarked,
“How did you miss Walker?”
At that
point, some conspiracy theorists believe, deMohrenschildt, Oswald’s “babysitter,”
handed him off to the Paines, who then became the Oswald’s chief patrons.
to Haiti, deMohrenschildt stopped in New York city where he met some CIA
officials at the offices of John Train, who handled some of the CIA’s
propriety businesses, and then went to Washington D.C. where, according to
Wilkens, on May 7, 1963 he met with a CIA officer Tony Czaikowski and Dorothe
K. Matlack, whose title was Assistant Director of the Office of Intelligence,
U.S. Army, under the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI).
those keeping up with John Newman’s latests research on Antonio Veciana, ACSI
is an obscure military intelligence agency we are only now just becoming
familiar with.
And it
makes me wonder if deMohrenschildt told either the CIA or ACSI the single most
important intelligence information he possesed – Lee Harvey Oswald had a rifle
and that he may have tried to kill General Walker.
he didn’t find it until he returned from Haiti in 1966, among his belongings
deMohrenschildt discovered one of the photos Oswald had Marina take of him in
the backyard with the rifle, pistol and communist magazines. While Wilkens
tells us that it was inscribed “To my friend George deMohrenschildt,” he
neglects to mention that it was also inscribed in Marina’s handwriting, “Hunter
of Fascists, Ha, Ha!”
And that’s
my only major criticism of this book. To me, Marina’s “Hunter of Fascists, Ha,
Ha!” salutation is an important clue to Oswald and the Walker shooting.
DeMohrenschildt told Oltmans that he thought Oswald may have taken the pot shot at Walker and missed, he certainly didn't kill President Kennedy, as he admired him too much. He was what he said he was, and deMohrenschildt called his important manuscript "I'm a Patsy! I'm a Patsy!".
DeMohrenschildt told Oltmans that he thought Oswald may have taken the pot shot at Walker and missed, he certainly didn't kill President Kennedy, as he admired him too much. He was what he said he was, and deMohrenschildt called his important manuscript "I'm a Patsy! I'm a Patsy!".
the leads provided by Croiset and Mrs. Oswald, Oltmans eventually located de
Mohrenschildt, and since they were very similar men in attitude and style, and
bisexual, they formed a decade long friendship. At one point Oltmans convinced
de Mohrenschildt to accompany him to Europe, where Oltmans had arranged for the
publication of de Mohresnchildt’s manuscript “I’m a Patsy, I’m a Patsy!,” that
was published in the volumes of the House Select Committee on Assassinations
says that the manuscript was vetted by the CIA before it got to the HSCA, but
one thing that caught my interest in the manuscript is deMohrenschilt’s story
of introducing Oswald to his friend retired Admiral Chester Bruton, a Collins
Radio executive who declined deMohrenschildt’s request to give Oswald a job.
meeting for lunch at a hotel, deMorhenschildt excused himself and disappeared,
leaving all his belongings in the hotel room he shared with Oltmans. It was the
last time Oltmans would see deMohrenschildt
deMohrenschilt returned home, where he was visited by an unnamed doctor who
gave him a shot of something that drove him crazy. After a few suicide attempts
deMohrenschildt was checked into Parkland Hospital where he was treated by a
new doctor Dr. Charles Mendoza, and a Dr. Deloach, a cousin to Asst. FBI
director Cartha “Deke” DeLoach, he was given drugs and electro shock therapy.
going to West Palm Beach, Florida, where he was staying with Mrs. Nancy Tilton,
the sister of his first wife Dorothy Pierson, with whom he had a daughter
Alexandra, who on their divorce, was given custody to Mrs. Tilton. From there
deMohrenschildt contacted Oltmans and told him where he was.
In the
meantime, the HSCA had been established by Congress to investigate the
assassination, and the Chief Counsel Richard Sprague and his chief investigator
Robert Tannenbaum had taken a particular interest in deMohrenschildt and were
also talking to Oltmans about testifying before their committee. So Oltmans
notified them of deMohrenschildt’s whereabouts and they sent their Florida
investigator Gaeton Fonzi to visit deMohrenschildt.
deMohrenschildt was being interviewed by a reporter from Readers Digest, Edward
J. Epstine, so Fonzi left his card with Alexandra.
had Fonzi’s card on him when he was found dead shortly thereafter, sitting in a
chair in a second floor bedroom, a shotgun by his side.
While no
one heard the gunshot, Mrs. Tilton had a tape recorder recording the audio of a
soap opera in a nearby room that recorded the sound of footsteps and the shot.
As can be seen in a photo of the dead deMohrenschildt however, he is just
wearing socks and no shoes, so whose footsteps were recorded on the tape?
Cyril Wecht makes a brief appearance in this book, visiting deMohrenschildt and
his wife in Texas. When asked by his wife why he was interested in
deMohrenschildt, Dr. Wecht replied, “I only want to orientate myself better
about Lee Harvey Oswald.”
As Dr.
Wecht recently did a review of a number of autopsies of suspicious deaths
related to the JFK assassination at the CAPA conference in Dallas last
November, I will ask him to take a look at DeMohresnchildt’s autopsy report to
see if everything is kosher. It looks suspicious to me, especially since the
tape recording was destroyed by the Florida sheriff and other reports on his
death are missing.
murdered or suicide, Richard Sprague and Tannenbaum of the HSCA had suspicions
that deMohresnchildt was the victim of some sort of MKULTRA brainwashing, but
their investigation suddenly ended around the same time when Sprague was fired
and Tannenbaum and Fonzi were put out to pasture, and the deMohresnchildt part
of the HSCA investigation ended.
did testify before the HSCA, and then said he was through with the Kennedy
assassination, but lucky for us he kept his papers and his archives were the
treasure trove that gave Wilkens the fascinating material for this book.
This book
answers many questions, but it asks even more, questions that we should at
least try to answer, as the Wilkens have tried to do.
And it requires a more in-depth look at deMohrenschildt, what he was all about, and who ran him, as he, at least for a while, ran Oswald.
And it requires a more in-depth look at deMohrenschildt, what he was all about, and who ran him, as he, at least for a while, ran Oswald.
NOTES: For an additional twist on this story see:
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Great stuff. Thank you.
Hello! I am interested in this too. I have been searching for this! Could be explaining a whole lot more on this!
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