Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Works In Progress Re: Political Assassinations - Updated



J.C. HawkinsBetrayal at Bethesda 1 – The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy and Betrayal at Bethesda 2 – Origins of the Modern Deep State and Fake News

Joshia Tink ThompsonLast Second in Dallas is scheduled for publication in November.

Dr. Cyril Wecht – has an Autobiography coming out soon – The Life and Deaths of Cyril Wecht – Memoirs of America’s Most Controversial Forensic Pathologist (Mcfarland, 2021) Another book on the JFK Assassination is also in the works.

John Newman – Is working on his Volume IV of his JFK Assassination Series and took a side tour to write a new book on MLK and the CIA infiltration of his inner circle, both of which should be out soon.

Larry HancockIn Denial: Secret Wars with Air Strikes and Tanks?  – is now out and “explores the on gong conduct of officially deniable military action across the globe.” Larry will publish a major manuscript on the JFK Assassination – The Tipping Point – on the JFK assassination at Mary Ferrell by the end of September.

Jefferson Morley - is preparing the complete story of his decade long FOIA court case against the CIA for the records of George Joannides, who supervised the anti-Castro DRE in New Orleans when Oswald was getting arrested with them and debating them on the radio. It will be published digitally by Jacob G. Hornberger and his libertarian The Future of Freedom Foundation soon. 

Alan Dale and Malcolm Blunt – Are working on a book together - The Devil is in te Details – Alan Dale Speaks with Malcolm Blunt about the Assassination of President Kennedy that will incorporate Malcolm’s Bethesda Confrence presentation and interviews he did with Dale, focusing on the most significant documents Malcom has uncovered at the NARA, where he has spent more time than any researcher I know. With an introduction by Dr. John Newman.

Katana Zachry and Sara Peterson – wrote Voices from the Shadows – a very informative book on the Texas witnesses.

Steve CameronThe Deputy Interviews – about Roger Craig.

Hank Albarelli’s manuscript ZR/RIFLE that he was working on at the time of his death is being readied for publication by Leslie Sharmp and Alan Kent.

Bill Simpich is working on an update of his multipart essay – The Twelve Who Built The Oswald Legend at Mary Ferrell.

Russ Baker, as he announced at the Dallas CAPA conference in November, is working on a new major book on the JFK assassination that is still in the works.

James Kellerman – This California attorney has a book in the works on the assassination. I have read one chapter and it appeaers to be a good one.

Jack Roth – is working on a book The Cost of Conspiracy: A People’s History of the JFK Assassination, a modern-day examination through 25 interviews with individuals who speak to various aspects of the assassination.

Mark Valenti – Is writing a book on Jim Braden (aka Eugene Hale Brading), the mobster and oilman who was caught up in the Dealey Plaza dragnet

David Denton – released “Essays on the Assassination of President Kennedy,” an 88 page publication that he describes as “my analysis of these things written over a three-year period.”

Casey Quinlan and Brian Edwards – say they are releasing an updated version of their book on Ed Hoffman.

Ian Greggs – JFK Lancer is updating the late English bobby’s reference book on the Dallas Police Department.

John Hunt – JFK Lancer is also publishing Hunt’s book on the RFK assassination

James Douglas – has been working on a new major book on the RFK and MLK assassination.

David Talbot – says his (final) history book – “By the Light of Burning Dreams.” It will be about the revolutionary leaders of the 1960s and 1970s and what we learn from their triumphs and downfalls.

Thomas L.  – Has a dozen chapters in the can, and I have read one, on Generals LeMay and Lansdale, and it’s a doozy, probably identifying the hunting and fishing lodge in Canada where LeMay was at the time of the assassination. Thomas is a former mainstream media book publisher who published Bill Turner and Che’s Diary, but he would prefer to stay under the radar until the book is done and published.

Paul Chachere – is working on a book about his investigations in Louisiana, – Cajun Stories. A pharmacist and good friend of Marina Oswald, Paul knows a lot about the New Orleans connections.

Dan Storper – co-director of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee is working on a book about the search for peace and justice and political struggles of the 1960s, but it a few years away.

Robert Tannenbaum – Former HSCA attorney is working on a book about Richard Sprague’s prosecution of UMW President Tony Boyle for the murder of union rival Jock Yablonski and his family.

Larry Haapanen – Is thinking about writing about his experiences – with a working title of Not a Matter of Records: An Air Force Officer’s Experience with UFOs, JFK and DEFCON-1.

Patrick Duff - is writing a book about MLK in Camden, N.J. in 1950, when he became involved in his first civil rights court case after filing charges against a Maple Shade bar owner for refusing to serve him and three friends. Lots of new information, documentation and photos. Due to be published in November. 

William Kelly – While most books focus on who killed JFK and why, my book will be about how the assassination was accomplished, focusing on the plots to kill Castro that were redirected to JFK in Dallas. JFKCountercoup – Valkyrie and Pathfinder at Dealey Plaza.  I will also edit an Anthology of Book Excerpts, articles, news reports and conference presentations, and if I live long enough will write about my personal JFK Odyssey over the last half-century.

I.E. Koilenda (Ian Hughes) has recently published "I, Oswald" (a fictionalized autobiography of JFK's Accused Assassin) that has been 45 years in the making, charting Oswald's emotional journey.  

The Counter-Conspiracy Camp also has a few books in the works. 

Fredrick Logevall - Awarded the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for his book "The Embers of War" - The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam has a new book on JFK: The Coming of Age in The American Century 1917-1956; and a second volume on JFK that will address his assassination. In an interview with the Harvard Crimson (Sept. 22, 2020) he said, "I will talk about Lee Harvey Oswald's background, about what led him to take this action, and will give the reader a full sense of how it culminated in this terrible moment....Oswald was a lone gunman. Claims to the contrary come up short." 

Max Holland – has been working on a perverted history of the Warren Commission that has been decades in the making.

Patrick Collins – is a Cambridge educated brit who keeps track of silly conspiracy theories, and doesn’t recognize John Judge’s axium – “Not all conspiracies are created equal.”

Fred Litwin –  On the Trail of Delusion - Jim Garrison - The Great Accuser. Litwin wrote a silly book about his conversion from silly conspiracy theorist to Lone Nut realist, is now collecting letters, correspondence and articles from early Warren Commission critics emphasizing their criticism of each other, rather than their mutual distaste for the Warren Report, that Litwin now uncritically accepts. The openly gay Canadian believes Garrison went after Shaw because he was gay. 

BK NOTES: If you know of any other books in the works please fill me in:

Documentary FILMS in the Works

-          Oliver Stone – Jim DiEugenio – Destiny Betrayed
-          Japanese Public TV Documentary – Mr. Nuguchi
-          Rob Rainer had a TV series in production.
-          Parkland Doctors
-          Ruth Paine and the Assassination – Max Good
-          Warren Commission Lawyers – LN

-          Libby – co-director of the T&R Committee is working on a documentary film on JFK  

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