The Rifle Sling - An ignored clue?
The Rifle Sling found attached to the rifle from the Sixth Floor of the Texas School Book Depository was no ordinary sling.
None of the Kline advertisments for the Mannlicher Carcano rifle show a sling, and while the Kline employee who mounted the scope on the TSBD rifle was interviewed, the Warren Commission was unable to determine where the sling on the rifle came from or even what it was.
Kline's Gunsmith: JFKcountercoup: Oswald Got Very, Very Lucky - Gunsmith
to Sylvia Meagher (Accessories After the Fact):
Warren Report says that the rifle in the backyard photographs 'seem to be
equipped with a homemade rope sling.' In one of the photos (133-A) they decided
that the portion of the sling that is visible is too small to establish whether
it is rope or leather, but it has the appearance of rope, and its configuration is consistent with the rope sling pictured in 133-B."
The Warren Report says: "The rifle found in the TSBD consisted of two leather straps-not a standard rifle sling but one utilizing what appeared to be a musical instrument strap or a sling from a carrying case or camera bag." (WR 553-554)
The FBI expert Frazier testified that attempts to identify the sling had met with no success and it probably would not be helpful to a marksman using the rifle, since it was "too short", actually, to do more than put your arm through it.... It is rather awkward to wrap the forward hand in the sling in the normal fashion. Later, he said, "the sling would tend to steady the aim even in this crude form."
FBI SA Shaneyfelt described the sling in the photograph: "It has the appearance of being a piece of rope tied at both ends, rather than a leather sling, and it is my opinion that it is a different sling than is presently on the rifle."
The Warren Report says: "The rifle found in the TSBD consisted of two leather straps-not a standard rifle sling but one utilizing what appeared to be a musical instrument strap or a sling from a carrying case or camera bag." (WR 553-554)
The FBI expert Frazier testified that attempts to identify the sling had met with no success and it probably would not be helpful to a marksman using the rifle, since it was "too short", actually, to do more than put your arm through it.... It is rather awkward to wrap the forward hand in the sling in the normal fashion. Later, he said, "the sling would tend to steady the aim even in this crude form."
FBI SA Shaneyfelt described the sling in the photograph: "It has the appearance of being a piece of rope tied at both ends, rather than a leather sling, and it is my opinion that it is a different sling than is presently on the rifle."
Also from the Shaneyfelt testimony: (VOLUME 4, pp. 289-290.)
Mr. Eisenberg. Looking at 133-B, are the observable characteristics of the weapon pictured in the picture-shown in the picture- similar to the observable characteristics of Exhibit 139, the weapon in the assassination.
Mr. Shaneyfelt. Yes, they are less apparent in the photograph because it is a photograph of the BOTTOM, or the BASE of the rifle along the trigger-guard area, but it does show the BOTTOM of the rifle in the photograph.
Mr. McCloy. A bowknot-133-B seems to have a knot at the SWIVELS.
Mr. Shaneyfelt. Yes.
Mr. McCloy. Which doesn't appear on the rifle now.
As Mrs Meagher notes: "Clearly, the men were discussing the rope sling and its attachments to the sling swivels on the BOTTOM of the weapon in the backyard photos. Yet when the alleged murder weapon was found in the TSBD, it had a new leather sling that was attached to the left-side of the rifle and not on the bottom .The sling swivels so clearly visible in the backyard photographs do not exist on the rifle discovered in the TSBD."
"The M 38 Carcano was made in at least four different models.It was made in both 7.35 mm and 6.5 mm. The weapons were identical in appearance except for the sling mountings. Some had mounts only on the bottom of the weapon, others had mounts only on the side, while others had a combination of both bottom and side mounts."
"Marina Oswald did not recognize the sling on the alleged murder weapon (CE 1403) and Ruth Paine did not recall seeing a strap of that nature in her home or anywhere else."
"So, at sometime between April and November, Oswald had changed from a rope sling to a "homemade" leather sling. And from September 25 to November 22, 1963, the rifle was not in Lee's possession. At no time was he seen by anyone carrying the rifle which clearly seemed designed for carrying rather than as an aid in firing."
"We know nothing about where Lee obtained the rifle sling, or the rifle ammunition, or where he practiced shooting the weapon. Nor do we know why Klein's Sporting Goods delivered a 40- inch rifle to the Texas customer who ordered a 36- inch rifle that they advertised in the February issue of the American Rifleman."
"Regrettably, the Warren Commission did not consider it necessary or worthwhile to seek more precise information about the rifle sling."
should not have been brushed aside as inconsequential, for it was a clue that
might have opened a trail to a person or persons who had conspired with Oswald,
OR AGAINST HIM, in the assassination."
---- SYLVIA MEAGHER (Accessories After the Fact p. 112. )
As can
be seen on the backyard photos of Oswald holding the rifle, the sling in the
photos is all of one shape, size and color, and not the M13 USAF sling,
which must have been added to the rifle
sometime after the photo was taken.
The rifle with a different sling.
after the photo was taken, Oswald relocated to his hometown of New Orleans for
the summer of 1963, and the FBI investigated if that is where he obtained the
rifle sling.
The FBI interviewed employees of the William B Reily Company, New Orleans about
the rifle sling. Even the vice president of the company, William B Reily,
III, was interviewed about it.
N. I.
Rains, Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Marine Corps was interviewed and said
he "never saw anything like it and was at a loss to offer suggestion
pertaining to its possible use."
One thing for certain is that the sling was not used to carry the rifle or used to steady the rifle while firing it. So there must be something more to it.
One thing for certain is that the sling was not used to carry the rifle or used to steady the rifle while firing it. So there must be something more to it.
24, 1963: "On December 18, 1963, Mr. ADRIAN T. ALBA was contacted at his
place of business, Crescent City Garage, Inc., 618 Magazine, New Orleans. At this
time he was shown photographs of the device utilized as a sling on the rifle of
LEE HARVEY OSWALD. Mr. ALBA said he had never seen OSWALD with the likes of the
contraption shown and expressed the opinion that it definitely had never been
intended at the time of manufacture to be used as a rifle sling. He reiterated,
as on previous occasions, that he and OSWALD had never discussed rifle slings
or like devices for use in the firing of a rifle."
so-called "contraption" that was at first dismissed as an ordinary guitar strap, is
actually a very rare 1956 Milsco M13 Aircrewman holster sling, manufactured by
the Milwaukee Saddlery Company and produced for the USAF 38 Aircrewman
Sylvia Meagher notes: “Well, it turns out that the ‘homemade’ leather sling on
the TSBD 40- inch Mannlicher - Carcano was a sling from a United States Air
Force holster kit.”
(see: U.S. Military Holsters and Pistol
Cartridge Boxes by Edward Scott Meadows, 1987, p. 376)
specifically it was a holster sling for the Model 13 Aircrew snubnose revolvers
made specifically for the Strategic Air Command (SAC) under specifications
requested by General Curtis LeMay.
As a gun
collector noted: “The holsters for the Model 13 Aircrew snubs were definitely unique,…The
two inch version of this holster is usually encountered in black leather and is
marked on the flap USAF. It was intended to carry the Colt and Smith and Wesson
.38 Special Aircrew revolvers. These holsters were manufactured by MILSCO,
formerlly known as Milwaukee Saddlery…”
holster was designed by Norris Murray, US patent on the design granted in
January 1958. From Dayton Ohio, Murray is believed to have been a civilian
employee of the USAF at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, where Air Force One is
now on public display at the museum.
1947, the US Air Force was carved off from the Army and the new brass realized
the need for a modern space age handgun for the occasional aircrew emergency,
survival situations, and nuclear weapon’s security breach. In a time when every
ounce of weight was sliced from huge bombers like the Convair B-36 ‘Peacemaker’
to allow them to carry atomic weapons to the Soviet Union, the watch word was ‘lightweight.’”
“Colt answered
the call for a small and effective, but super lightweight handgun, with a
modified version of their then-new Cobra line of snub-nosed revolvers. It was
named the Aircrewman.”
pistols were issued to aircrews, and some were carried in hip holsters, and
some in shoulder rigs….General Curtis LeMay wanted a light weight revolvers to
arm SAC crews so the Air Foce had both Colt and S & W (Smith and Wesson)
develop special aluminum framed and cylindered snubby revolvers. All were
called the ‘Aircrewman.’”
made just 1189 of these special aluminum snub nosed revolvers for the Air
Force, 1,123 shipped from 1950-1952, some 255 sent to Offutt Air Force Base in
Nebraska in 1951. As it is noted, “This is not unexpected as at the time Offutt
was the home to the bombers of the US Strategic Air Command, whose crews sat on
constant ramp alert to scramble towards the Soviet Union with a cargo of atomic
the Detective Special was 21-ounces and the Cobra was 16-ounces, the superlight
Aircrewman tipped the scales at just 11-ounces with six rounds of 38-Special
loaded….So yeah, the Aircrewman was about as light as you can get.”
LeMay was an advocate of Air Force personnel being very well trained in small
arms, and as such was a driving force in the AR15 design, survival arms and Air
Force competition.”
As one
former Aircrewman noted on a gun collector web site: “That was the holster rig
we had in SAC alert aircraft. They were locked in the combat mission boxes with
the mission data. You normally only saw them if you were involved in the box
inventory. Otherwise the box was locked and the boxcar sealed.”
October 1959, both the Colts and Smiths were recalled to their depots and
crushed, their frames deemed unsafe. To quote the USAF order at the time: ‘Because
of the peculiarities of the M13 revolver, i.e. requirement for special ammunition,
limited use and potential danger if used for other than the purpose for which
it was designed (SAC Aircrew survival), all M13 revolvers excess to Air Force
requirements will be mutilated to prevent further use as a weapon. Residue will
be disposed of as scrap.”
most ended up demolished, a few guns, already in the hands of retired flight
officers escaped the wholesale slaughter….Today it is thought that less than
fifty surviving Colt Aircrewmen exist. Many of these are in museums such as
Autry, and the Springfiled Armory Museum but a few are in private circulation.
To say they are counted as one of the most collectable of all Colt revolvers is
something of an understament. One Colt Aircrewman recently sold for over
$25,000 at auction…. ‘Property of US Air Force’is marked along the backstrap.,..and
on the buttstrap is a second, USAF-issued serial number between ‘AF1 and

Not only
are the Colt Aircrewman revolvers rare, but the sling is as well, going against
the idea that such slings were commonly sold at Army and Navy Surpus stores and
readily available. One collector with a M13 sling identical to the one on the
rifle said to be used in the assassination has made careful replicas that he
sells to those collectors who have purchased the Manlicher Carcano and want to
duplicate the sling as well.
A leather holster was found in Oswald's room at 1026 N. Beckley, and both the strap on the rifle and the holster should be checked to see if either has a manufacturer's serial number that could be checked to see who it was issued to, as the USAF kept very good records on the distribution of weapons and accessories.
So while
we don’t know exactly where the rifle sling was obtained, we know where it came
from – the USAF Strategic Air Command.

SAC pilot entering plane with Colt Aircrewman 38 strapped to his waist.
Please Support this research if you can:
Absolutely fascinating. I puzzled over this for a quite a while, read a variety of articles and analyses, and came to the conclusion that it was a guitar strap. But your sources are better.
I have not changed my mind about my reluctant conclusion that the rifle was planted on the sixth floor. What would be the purpose of planting this strap with the rifle?
I believe those involved in the assassination of JFK were people from a variety of institutional forces (military, intelligence, the mob, Cuban exiles)
It looks like whoever planted the rifle wanted to at least draw attention to the US Air Force - and probably as misdirection.
I don't think the misdirection was conducted to convince anyone that the Air Force was involved in killing Kennedy.
I think the misdirection was done to remind everyone involved of one thing: The military was not invulnerable.
Steven Roe wants to know my sources - and most of them are included in the narrative, except where I quote or use info from the Gun Collector's Web Sites- and while I don't have time to verify it, I believe what these specialists say - the Aluminum Colt .38 manufactured to Gen. LeMay's specific specifications, and it's holster and sling, were not common- less than 2,000 made, and all, along with the S&W weapons of a similar nature, were all ordered destroyed, and only 50 some have survived and are considered very valuable. I will try to document these sources, though I don't have time at the moment, and anyone like Steve who has time on their hands and is interested in this can help confirm or refute what has been developed so far.
These slings would not have been commonly available anywhere in 1963, but they probably would have been considered to be disposable junk, wherever they were. So I don't think this means that an insider provided the sling for the rifle. It's just some old thing that somebody put on the rifle because it needed a sling. It could have come from anywhere. But I still think this is good information, and a serial number on the holster might lead somewhere.
My concern is not with the strap but *where is is fastened*. The whatever it is in the BYP is attached in a DIFFERENT PLACE than the rifle found on the 6th floor. What evidence exists that this hole and replacement wass rebored and changed? If Oswald did it, there would be evidence on the replaceent siteunder forensiic examination of this process.
If there is no evidence of replacement, if the attached place on the 6th floor rifle is manufacture based, then the 6th floor rifle cannot be the one in the BYP. and cast doubt it wass Oswald's.
This not inconsequential and has never been answered
I think Alba, the guy who ran the Cresant City Garage in New Orleans said he attached the USAF sidearm sling to the rifle, which means Oswald got it in the Big Easy.
From what I understand Alba gave contradictory statements on that and is not credible. From what I also understand, that strap is extremely hard to get and I would have to see Alba under oath explain where he got it.
This is why the entire case is moot. Except we now know from release of records by ARRB, the HSCA suppressed witness testimony from the autopsy room, put out false conclusions, and the autopsy photos were fabricated. Check this out. Oswald could not have killed Kennedy. The fatal sshot was frontal. They say there is no smoking gun. Yes there is. It's the real medical forensics.
" From the FBI
December 24, 1963:
"On December 18, 1963, Mr. ADRIAN T. ALBA was contacted at his place of business, Crescent City Garage, Inc., 618 Magazine, New orleans. At this time he was shown photographs of the device utilized as a sling on the rifle of LEE HARVEY OSWALD. Mr. ALBA said he had never seen OSWALD with the likes of the contraption shown and expressed the opinion that it definitely had never been intended at the time of manufacture to be used as a rifle sling. He reiterated, as on previous occasions, that he and OSWALD had never discussed rifle slings or like devices for use in the firing of a rifle."
There is nothing in Alba's WC testimony about any strap, sling or him modifying any rifle Oswald had.
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